Clive Johnson CIG talks about the current 30k issues.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
bah you no longer in spain? you need to come to japan!
All jokes aside i think if you enjoyed putting it together you should keep doing it there are people who do read your post but are silent (Lurkers) that take your advice.
Thanks, I really appreciate your kind words. I may gauge interest and possibly revamp it. We will see. The only thing truly holding me back is my lack of free-time. New house, new job, etc., etc.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
First of all comparing a homeless person to CIG is a bit dramatic, but funny lol.

I think most of us have been around the gaming industry for quite a while now, most of us know the difference between bugs and standard alpha issues and issues like server crashes and stability, even in the lamest sense. I don't really accept the whole its alpha so the server stability is going to be junk for the entire alpha and part of beta, this literally means years of server crashes and instability and yes that is usually an issue in alpha and beta, usually server issues are more present in beta tests or server stress testing not alpha so much, but because this type of alpha has never been done before its become an issue earlier as more and more people log on, we didn't have these issues before 3.8? or 3.7 I cant remember when the 30ks really became an issue, I personally hadn't had any 30k issues until 3.8(if my memory serves me) my gut tells me there is a bigger issue that they cannot fix or change and they don't really want the problem know as it might be a major issue.

The problem with this type of development is, its all new, its all untested and by having a live service like someone mentioned before this game is funded based on a playable alpha product, these 30ks have made the game unplayable for many people and look I get it, they say its alpha but in reality its not a typical alpha process, they have created a pre-production/production/alpha/beta all in one scenario, its really nothing we have ever seen before and more and more companies are starting to use this model because its worked so well (financially) for CIG, that being said, again like someone mentioned, if this game deteriorates to the point where its unplayable, this will affect funding and the companies revenue, so I don't get how this is not a major concern for both consumer and company.

I literally think about logging in and 10 seconds later say, why bother I am going to log in, get to my destination or grab a box and 10 or 20 min later get a 30k. This is an issue, even the youtubers, the regulars, the respected youtubers out there that are die hard SC backers started questioning the server stability and I can tell in their responses they aren't sitting well with this issue either, if this progresses into 4.0 without any progress its going to become an issue with the backers and revenue.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I think we’re losing sight of the forest for the metaphors.

CIG want us to keep buying pretend spaceships to fund the game we’ve been waiting 8 years for (so far). CIG also don’t want to focus on making the game (the one they want us to keep spending money on) stable. CIG also want the players to market the game for them. We cannot market the game because it’s not stable. CIG want us to spend more money on pretend space ships so they can complete the alpha at some indeterminate point in the future. CIG also don’t want to focus on making the game stable.

I think that captures the argument?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I think we’re losing sight of the forest for the metaphors.

CIG want us to keep buying pretend spaceships to fund the game we’ve been waiting 8 years for (so far). CIG also don’t want to focus on making the game (the one they want us to keep spending money on) stable. CIG also want the players to market the game for them. We cannot market the game because it’s not stable. CIG want us to spend more money on pretend space ships so they can complete the alpha at some indeterminate point in the future. CIG also don’t want to focus on making the game stable.

I think that captures the argument?
Well said.
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I think we’re losing sight of the forest for the metaphors.
CIG want us to keep buying pretend spaceships to fund the game we’ve been waiting 8 years for (so far). CIG also don’t want to focus on making the game (the one they want us to keep spending money on) stable. CIG also want the players to market the game for them. We cannot market the game because it’s not stable. CIG want us to spend more money on pretend space ships so they can complete the alpha at some indeterminate point in the future. CIG also don’t want to focus on making the game stable...
What he said

Chris Roberts' priorities are not necessarily our priorities.

I have believed for quite a while that Chris Roberts wants to develop a platform for digital content creation as much as he wants to develop games. The success of his early crowdfunding efforts opened his eyes to the potential for using gamers as a funding source that don't dilute his ownership and control. We have put up the money, he owns all the IP rights and stock. Remember that CR transitioned from making games to producing movies once already.

We have already funded the development of motion capture tech, rapid character creation tools, tools for procedural generation of systems and planets and the toolchain to integrate them all into a whole. You could make an entire Star Wars type movie with the tech CIG is using to make the cut scenes in Squadron 42.

Is server stability for large numbers of players a priority if you want to build a content creation engine? Not so much. It will be very interesting to watch the pace of development for Star Citizen once Squadron 42 has gone live and CIG has a revenue stream from game sales.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't think SQ42 is going to sell like everyone thinks it is, many of us have already pre-purchased it, the average player base doesn't really flock towards space sims, you need a beast of a computer to run it on high graphics and without FPS issues, many people hate flight sims with mouse and keyboard which means your targeting a very small player base. I really think people are confusing the funding and 2.6 million registered citizens, these funds and players are not here for SQ42, they are here for the PU, the MMORPG aspect of the game.

I have to be honest, if this was just a space sim, if this was JUST SQ42 I would have bailed years ago on supporting this game, if they even look like their going to slow down SC it will be a nightmare, SQ42 is not going to be their savior.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
What he said

Chris Roberts' priorities are not necessarily our priorities.

I have believed for quite a while that Chris Roberts wants to develop a platform for digital content creation as much as he wants to develop games. The success of his early crowdfunding efforts opened his eyes to the potential for using gamers as a funding source that don't dilute his ownership and control. We have put up the money, he owns all the IP rights and stock. Remember that CR transitioned from making games to producing movies once already.

We have already funded the development of motion capture tech, rapid character creation tools, tools for procedural generation of systems and planets and the toolchain to integrate them all into a whole. You could make an entire Star Wars type movie with the tech CIG is using to make the cut scenes in Squadron 42.

Is server stability for large numbers of players a priority if you want to build a content creation engine? Not so much. It will be very interesting to watch the pace of development for Star Citizen once Squadron 42 has gone live and CIG has a revenue stream from game sales.
I dunno Maynard.

As a guy who works in the film industry and has been around his fair share of big budget mocap heavy shows, SQ42 doesn't register at all with any of the big film studios and VFX houses. The stuff used in SQ42 is already a decade old. I doubt the tech used for SQ42 will be adopted by the big players. If you're looking at cutting edge tech, you're better off looking at ILM's Stagecraft tech used for 'The Mandolorian'.

As for existing VFX studios, it's already a very crowded industry. ILM, Weta, Digital Domain, MPC, etc. If they wanna push into that field, it's gonna be hard.

Honestly I think CIG's upgraded Lumberyard Engine, Planetech, etc. might be more promising if you're talking about IP to sell to 3rd party developers for MMOs. If they wanna market that tech, I'll stick to video games instead of movies.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't think SQ42 is going to sell like everyone thinks it is, many of us have already pre-purchased it, the average player base doesn't really flock towards space sims, you need a beast of a computer to run it on high graphics and without FPS issues, many people hate flight sims with mouse and keyboard which means your targeting a very small player base. I really think people are confusing the funding and 2.6 million registered citizens, these funds and players are not here for SQ42, they are here for the PU, the MMORPG aspect of the game.

I have to be honest, if this was just a space sim, if this was JUST SQ42 I would have bailed years ago on supporting this game, if they even look like their going to slow down SC it will be a nightmare, SQ42 is not going to be their savior.
I agree with you. There is always the possibility of taking SQ42 to the next gen console.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I don't think SQ42 is going to sell like everyone thinks it is, many of us have already pre-purchased it, the average player base doesn't really flock towards space sims, you need a beast of a computer to run it on high graphics and without FPS issues, many people hate flight sims with mouse and keyboard which means your targeting a very small player base. I really think people are confusing the funding and 2.6 million registered citizens, these funds and players are not here for SQ42, they are here for the PU, the MMORPG aspect of the game.

I have to be honest, if this was just a space sim, if this was JUST SQ42 I would have bailed years ago on supporting this game, if they even look like their going to slow down SC it will be a nightmare, SQ42 is not going to be their savior.
I agree with you. There is always the possibility of taking SQ42 to the next gen console.

The new generation of Playstations and XBoxes will technically be able to play SQ42. Here's hoping SQ42 can be ported (as long as the PC versions doesn't get dumbed down as a side effect).

I'm all in favor of as large as an audience accessing SQ42 (and possibly SC as well). I don't subscribe to the whole 'PC masterclass' nonsense.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I have no issues with selling SQ42 to consoles but the PU wont work there imo, in order to make SQ42 work on consoles they would literally have to restructure all of star citizen as well and that wont work so I feel like trying to convert this to Xbox and PS might be a road they don't want to travel down.

I just don't think people are understanding the consumer base well when it comes to SQ42, this isn't going to be a RDR2 or GTA5, EVE online or Elite Dangerous, its not going to sell 10 million copies imo, I could be wrong but again, its a single player campaign based on space flight simulation, most single player campaigns these days last about 40-60 hrs and then you are done, very few have high replay ability, most will have the campaign done in a weeks time, unless and I hope I am wrong, the company decides to gate chapters behind a live service, which I fear will happen to get the game out earlier, again I hope I am wrong.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I have no issues with selling SQ42 to consoles but the PU wont work there imo, in order to make SQ42 work on consoles they would literally have to restructure all of star citizen as well and that wont work so I feel like trying to convert this to Xbox and PS might be a road they don't want to travel down.

I just don't think people are understanding the consumer base well when it comes to SQ42, this isn't going to be a RDR2 or GTA5, EVE online or Elite Dangerous, its not going to sell 10 million copies imo, I could be wrong but again, its a single player campaign based on space flight simulation, most single player campaigns these days last about 40-60 hrs and then you are done, very few have high replay ability, most will have the campaign done in a weeks time, unless and I hope I am wrong, the company decides to gate chapters behind a live service, which I fear will happen to get the game out earlier, again I hope I am wrong.
Lumberyard is crafted to allow it to run on PC and consoles with little rework and thus SQ42 should be easily ported between the platforms and the next-gen consols should have enough graphical power to not require much graphic changes. But the PU would be a much larger change to bring to consoles and I am not sure it would be worth it.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Lumberyard is crafted to allow it to run on PC and consoles with little rework and thus SQ42 should be easily ported between the platforms and the next-gen consols should have enough graphical power to not require much graphic changes. But the PU would be a much larger change to bring to consoles and I am not sure it would be worth it.
Graphically yes, I agree, but this is a pretty complicated and immersive game, not sure how it would play without a keyboard and mouse setup, there is a lot more to transitioning a PC game to a console then vice versa. I agree Graphically not an issue especially with next gen consoles.
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