
Where you from stranger? United States, Michigan!

What drew you to Star Citizen? A friend I played a few other games with got me into Star Citizen. Too bad he is enjoying other games too much to play here.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Large dose of PvP with a healthy dose of all other game loops that interest me at the time of playing.

What was the first game you remember playing? EverQuest on Tribunal Server. My Main was a Cleric named Healmen LifeGiver

What other games do you play? The game of Life with 4 kids, 2 grand kids and a wife whom I have been with for 28 years now. I have to add in the game of work... I have to make that money to support everyone else... If I knew then what I know now....

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? Searching for an org to join. being the biggest org, you're not that hard to find.

Picard or Kirk? Picard hands down.

EDIT : If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?
If I had to choose, I would choose new Kirk.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to the TEST party!

I hope that you're enjoying the IAE & remember that in the next day or so if not already there will be a terminal in the IAE expo hall that will let you rent all of the ships in game displayed this event for free for a day or so to see if anything catches your eye before the sale ends.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Welcome to the Squardon ColdRain_SnowStorm!
Is it just me or has your sense of naming not changed much since your EverQuest days? ;-P
Not that I should point my finger at others (cough).
Anyhow, sounds like you're prime TEST material!
After all, a lot of us are of a riper age but still seing a lot of action.
Just like Picard, right? :o7:
Welcome to the TEST party!

I hope that you're enjoying the IAE & remember that in the next day or so if not already there will be a terminal in the IAE expo hall that will let you rent all of the ships in game displayed this event for free for a day or so to see if anything catches your eye before the sale ends.
Thank you! I got lucky and learned how to farm for income doing risky salvage. That provided me with opportunity to buy most ships that I wanted to try out in game. There are a couple that I wish I did not loose with patches, but I did not fly the 890 jump or the carrack to often so not reinvesting into them for the 3rd time.
Welcome to the Squardon ColdRain_SnowStorm!
Is it just me or has your sense of naming not changed much since your EverQuest days? ;-P
Not that I should point my finger at others (cough).
Anyhow, sounds like you're prime TEST material!
After all, a lot of us are of a riper age but still seing a lot of action.
Just like Picard, right? :o7:
LOL, nope! In fact I have used this name in every game I have played since EverQuest. This was a Warrior Alt of mine. Since most games don't have a healer, Healen LifeGiver just doesnt work for them.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Okay, makes sense.
Just like I use my old WOW name for half of my accounts.
And I guess "Can_we_not_settle_this_peacefully" doesn't really work in Counterstrike for instance.
One gigantic mark tagged to your back...:-)
Then again, you can be a Healer in here.
Or a bartender.
Should have chosen "Free Beer" for a callsign.
All the likes I'd get... :love:


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Okay, makes sense.
Just like I use my old WOW name for half of my accounts.
And I guess "Can_we_not_settle_this_peacefully" doesn't really work in Counterstrike for instance.
One gigantic mark tagged to your back...:-)
Then again, you can be a Healer in here.
Or a bartender.
Should have chosen "Free Beer" for a callsign.
All the likes I'd get... :love:
I use Talonsbane as the main char name for my chars on WoW as well as most other games.
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