Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
You're on point... keep doing what you're doing, because it is all you can really do. Coming off of Conference (RSA Conference) I can sympathize and understand your management problem. All I can say is do what you can do under your control... because the virus is a act of nature and we are just a subject. Hopefully it will be gone soon and by the end of the summer maybe we'll have some real therapeutics to fight it.
Oh the most annoying part is that I honestly need to go back to Dallas next month, but the company may not let me go. In addition, I have on-sight training scheduled with Red Hat in May and I was planning to fly 4 people out from Dallas to Denver during that time. Now that's is in jeopardy... I'm honestly hoping this blazes through and leaves by then, but I think my hopes are on par with my dreams of winning the Power Ball.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Spoke with my folks in Tampa. The official numbers are not telling the true story in that city and others.

For a city that size, there are probably 1000's already infected, but the only time you see COVID-19 numbers reported is when you walk into an ER complaining of breathing problems and high fever.

Until more tests get rolled out, US numbers will appear to be low, but that does not mean the virus is not making the rounds.

My folks are stocked up with supplies enough for 3-4 weeks so they dont need to go shopping and can avoid crowds if needed.

Other than that, not much they can do other than avoid crowded places and contact with other people until we start seeing declining numbers, which is not going to happen for a while.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I live about 50 miles from NYC so its only a matter of time before it makes the rounds here and I have diabetes so, what can you do. I take reasonable precautions but I guess I should head to my local BJ's and stock up. Good thing I'm a gamer and don't really leave the house except to go to work (sunshine, who needs it, amirite?). On a related note, I just came back from the social security office (like the dmv, a veritable petri dish) and have to go back next week, and of course they have touch screen check in kiosks with no hand sanitizer available. FML


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I live about 50 miles from NYC so its only a matter of time before it makes the rounds here and I have diabetes so, what can you do. I take reasonable precautions but I guess I should head to my local BJ's and stock up. Good thing I'm a gamer and don't really leave the house except to go to work (sunshine, who needs it, amirite?). On a related note, I just came back from the social security office (like the dmv, a veritable petri dish) and have to go back next week, and of course they have touch screen check in kiosks with no hand sanitizer available. FML
Buy a touch screen compatible pen or gloves, shouldn't cost much. Other than that, gl hf for your month long gaming session!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
In 48 hrs, DC area has gone from 8 to 21. There is likely hundreds more as the Priest of a DC church was infected and handed out communion to about 500 people. >_>
The federal gov is too afraid that its going to cause a panic, but local municipalities need to take the lead here and shut down schools, events and gatherings right now, not in two weeks!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
13 cases, a slow but steady climb from the 2 in a couple.of days. All but 3 are foreign nationals. I see similar numbers in the region like Poland and Romania.

I just got a phone call, our appointment got cancelled at the hospital that was due next week, along with everyone else's as an official ban is in effect for non life-threatening stuff. When I asked about when can we expect a new one or what we should do, I got the equivalent of "I don't know and care even less, fuck off".

While our ppl are not panicking yet, our gvmnt is. They try not to show it by setting up an " operations force" or whatever, but inside they know we don't have the capacity to deal with a pandemic. We don't even have th capacity to deal with regular numbers of illness, so it's no surprise.

I see events getting cancelled or pushed out by a few moths here as well, my favorite car tuning show got pushed from May to October.
I'll be a bit sad that E3 gets cancelled, although it's the sensible thing to do, cos I really like watching the shitshow that it usually is lol


Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
I had a 3 day 40 degree fever session with coughing and shortness of breath etc. Because I havent been exposed to someone who has been to a high risk areas (to my knowledge anyway) Im not being tested for Corona.
I go to work by train everyday so next time I guess ill just ask everyone in the wagon if they have been in China or Italy in the past 2 weeks ;)


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Spoke with my folks in Tampa. The official numbers are not telling the true story in that city and others.
Well, since every other news story is about a coronavirus patient told by a hospital "they had the flu or something else" first before getting the correct diagnosis first, I'm guess the official numbers are only capturing about a quarter of the cases.

I'm also thinking of the people who get sick and don't have health insurance, or who only have a mild case and don't bother seeing a doctor.


Vice Admiral
Oct 27, 2019
RSI Handle
The WHO classifies the corona eruption as a pandemic, it announces WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.
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