Custom User.cfg Guide and Information.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Anyone want to help me test what I commented out?
This is my new user.cfg... and it fing works! and it's making my GPU fans scream lol

;-- Enable console
Con_Restricted = 0

;-- punch it to Ultra and no 5 is X360
sys_spec = 4
sys_spec_Full = 4
sys_spec_GameEffects = 4
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 4
sys_spec_Particles = 4
sys_spec_Physics = 4
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 4
sys_spec_Shading = 4
sys_spec_Shadows = 4
sys_spec_Sound = 4
sys_spec_Texture = 4
sys_spec_TextureResolution = 4
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 4
sys_spec_Water = 4
sys_spec_Light = 4

hud_bobHud = 0
i_Mouse_Accel = 0.0
;i_mouse_accel_max = ?
;i_mouse_buffered = ?
;i_mouse_inertia = ?
i_Mouse_Smooth = 0.0

;-- Display
r_Fullscreen = 0
r_Fullscreenwindow = 1
;r_FullscreenPreemption = 1
r_Width = 3840
;r_CustomResWidth = 3840
r_Height = 2160
;r_CustomResHeight = 2160
r_VSync = 1
sys_MaxFPS = 60
cl_fov = 60

;-- Graphics settings
r_AntialiasingMode = 11
r_AntialiasingTAAFalloffHiFreq = 6
r_AntialiasingTAAFalloffLowFreq = 2
r_AntialiasingTAAMode = 4
r_AntialiasingTAASharpening = 1
r_Beams = 1
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.01
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 200
r_BeamsSoftClip = 0
r_ChromaticAberration = 0
r_CloudsUpdateAlways - 1
r_ColorBits = 32
r_ColorGrading = 1
r_ColorGradingFilters = 1
r_ColorGradingLevels = 1
r_Contrast = 0.5
r_Coronas = 1
r_DepthBits = 32
r_DepthOfField = 3
r_DepthOfFieldBokeh = 1
r_DepthOfFieldBokehQuality = 1
r_DetailDistance = 20
r_DetailTextures = 1
;r_DisplayInfo = 2
;r_dofMinZ = 0.4
;r_dofMinZScale = 1.0
;r_DrawNearFarPlane = 40
;r_DrawNearFoV = 60
r_DrawNearShadows = 1
;r_DrawNearZRange = 0.1
r_FlareHqShafts = 1
r_Flares = 1
r_FlaresChromaShift = 6
r_FlaresIrisShaftMaxPolyNum = 200
r_FlaresTessellationRatio = 1
r_FogShadows = 1
r_FogShadowsWater = 1
r_Gamma = 1.25
r_Glow = 1
r_GlowAnamorphicFlares = 1
r_HDRBloomRatio = 0.15
r_HDRBrightLevel = 1.25
r_HDRBrightOffset = 8.0
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 8.0
;r_HDREyeAdaptationBase = ?
r_HDREyeAdaptationCache = 0
r_HDREyeAdaptationFactor = 0.9
r_HDREyeAdaptationSceneKeyMode = 1
;r_HDRGrainAmount = ?
r_HDRRangeAdapt = 1
;r_HDRRangeAdaptationSpeed = ?
r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMax = 0.25
r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMaxRange = 2.0
r_HDRRangeAdaptMax = 1.0
r_HDRRangeAdaptMaxRange = 4.0
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_HDRTexFormat = 1
r_HDRVignetting = 1
r_LightPropagationVolumes = 1
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = 16
r_MotionBlurQuality = 2
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 13
r_MotionBlurThreshold = 0.0001
r_MSAA = 1
r_MSAA_quality = 8 ;highly GPU specific
r_MSAA_samples = 8 ;highly GPU specific
;r_MSAA_threshold_depth = ?
;r_MSAA_threshold_normal = ?
r_MultiGPU = 1
r_MultiThreaded = 1
r_NoDrawNear = 0
r_NoDrawShaders = 0
;r_overrideDXGIAdapter = -1
;r_overrideDXGIFullScreenOutput = 0
;r_overrideDXGIOutput = 0
r_overrideRefreshRate = 60
r_overrideScanlineOrder = 1
;r_OverscanBorders = 0
;r_OverscanBorderScaleX = ?
;r_OverscanBorderScaleY = ?
;r_ParticlesAmountGI = ?
;r_ParticlesRefraction = 1
;r_ParticlesSoftIsec = 1
;r_ParticlesTessellation = 1
;r_ParticlesTessellationTriSize = ?
r_PostProcessEffects = 1
r_PostProcessFilters = 1
r_PostProcessGameFx = 1
r_PostProcessHUD3D = 1
r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = 1
;r_PostProcessHUD3DGlowAmount = 1.0
;r_PostProcessHUD3DShadowAmount = 1.7
;r_PostProcessHUD3DStencilClear = 1
r_PostProcessParamsBlending = 1
r_PostprocessParamsBlendingTimeScale = 2.0
;r_Rain = 2
r_Reflections = 1
r_ReflectionsQuality = 3
;r_Refraction = 1
;r_RefractionPartialResolves = 2
;r_RenderTargetPoolSize = ?
;r_ShadowBlur = 3
;r_ShadowBluriness = 16
;r_ShadowGen = 1
;r_ShadowGenGS = 1
;r_ShadowGenMode = 1
;r_ShadowPoolMaxFrames = ?
;r_ShadowsAdaptionMin = 1.0
;r_ShadowsAdaptionRangeClamp = 0.01
;r_ShadowsAdaptionSize = 10
;r_ShadowsBias = 16
;r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0
;r_ShadowsNearestMapResolution = 4096
r_Sharpening = 1
;r_SilhouettePOM = 1
;r_SilhouettePOMNumber = 512
;r_Snow = 2
;r_SnowDisplacement = 1
r_ssao = 2
;r_SSAOAmount = ?
r_SSAOBrighteningMargin =  1.1
;r_SSAOContrast = ?
r_SSAOQuality = 3
r_ssdo = 1
;r_ssdoAmountDirect = ?
;r_ssdoAmountReflection = ?
r_SSReflections = 1
;r_StencilBits = 8
r_sunshafts = 1
r_Supersampling = 8
r_SupersamplingFilter = 3
r_TerrainAO = 1
r_TessellationTriangleSize = 10
;r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 8
;r_TexMinAnisotropy = 8
r_TextureLodDistanceRatio = 0
;r_TexturesStreaming = 2
;r_transient_pool_size = ?
r_UseAlphaBlend = 1
;r_UseDisplacementFactor = 0.4
r_UsePom = 1
r_UseSoftParticles = 1
r_VSync = 1
r_WaterCaustics = 1
r_WaterGodRays = 1
r_WaterReflections = 1
r_WaterReflectionsMGPU = 1
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 3
r_WaterTessellationHW = 1
r_WaterVolumeCaustics = 1
e_Clouds = 1
e_Decals = 1
e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 1
e_DeformableObjects = 1
e_DynamicLights = 1
e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = 999
e_Entities = 1
e_Fog = 1
e_FogVolumes = 1
e_GI = 1
e_GIAmount = 25
e_GICache = 2
e_GIGlossyReflections = 1
e_GIMaxDistance = 20
e_GsmCache = 0
e_GsmCastFromTerrain = 1
;e_GsmLodsNum = ?
;e_GsmRange = ?
e_LightVolumes = 1
;e_LodMax = ?
;e_LodMin = ?
;e_LodRatio = ?
;e_Lods = ?
;e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = ?
;e_MergedMeshesViewDistRatio = ?
e_OcclusionVolumes = 1
e_OnDemandPhysics = 3
e_Particles = 1
;e_ParticlesForceSoftParticles = 2
e_ParticlesGI = 1
e_ParticlesLights = 1
e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 0
e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 2
;e_ParticlesQuality = ?
e_ParticlesShadows = 1
;e_ParticlesSoftIntersect = 1
e_ParticlesThread = 1
e_PhysFoliage = 2
e_Shadows = 1
;e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = ?
e_ShadowsClouds = 1
;e_ShadowsMasksLimit = 0
;e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 512
e_ShadowsOnWater = 1
;e_ShadowsPoolSize = 512
;e_ShadowsReScale = ?
;e_ShadowsSlopeBias = ?
;e_ShadowsTesselateCascades = ?
e_SkyBox = 1
e_SkyQuality = 1
e_Sun = 1
e_Terrain = 1
e_TerrainAo = 1
e_TerrainDeformations = 1
;e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = ?
e_Tessellation = 1
e_Vegetation = 1
;e_ViewDistRatio = ?
e_WaterOcean = 1
e_WaterVolumes = 1
e_WaterWaves = 1

es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 1

g_immersive = 1
g_radialBlur = 0

;i_auto_turret_target = 1
i_flashlight_has_fog_volume = 1
i_flashlight_has_shadows = 1
i_grenade_showTrajectory = 1
i_highlight_dropped_weapons = 2
i_particleeffects = 1

;q_Quality = 3
;q_Renderer = 3
;q_ShaderFX = 3
;q_ShaderGeneral = 3
;q_ShaderGlass = 3
;q_ShaderHDR = 3
;q_ShaderIce = 3
;q_ShaderMetal = 3
;q_ShaderPostProcess = 3
;q_ShaderShadow = 3
;q_ShaderSky = 3
;q_ShaderTerrain = 3
;q_ShaderVegetation = 3
;q_ShaderWater = 3

;v_lights = 2
v_vehicle_quality = 4

;-- these could be fun
;r_ShowLines = 1
;r_ShowNormals = 1
;r_Unlit = 1
;r_wireframe = 1
;manually enter in game e_CameraFreeze = 1
;e_sketch_mode = 1
;es_helpers = 1
;es_HitCharacters = 1
;es_HitDeadBodies = 1
;g_allowExplosives = 1
;g_allowSpectators = 1
;g_deathCam = 1
;g_detachCamera = 1
;g_DisableCollisionDamage = 1
;g_godMode = 1
;g_hideArms = 1
;g_infiniteAmmo = 1
;g_joint_breaking = 1
;g_spectatorOnly = 1
;g_useNetSyncToSpeedUpRMIs = ?
;e_ScreenShot 2
e_ScreenShotFileFormat TGA
e_ScreenShotWidth = 7680
e_ScreenShotHeight = 4320
e_ScreenShotQuality = 0
e_ScreenShotMapCamHeight = 1
e_ScreenShotMapCenterX = 0
e_ScreenShotMapCenterY = 0
e_ScreenShotMapOrientation = 0
e_ScreenShotMapSizeX = 7680
e_ScreenShotMapSizeY = 4320
e_ScreenShotMinSlices = 0
capture_file_format = tga
;capture_file_name = ?
;capture_folder = ?
capture_image_scale = 1
;gl_Map = ?
;net_graph = 3
;p_fly_mode = 1
;sv_restart = 1
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