Cutlass Blue or Freelancer MIS?


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
As the title says, I have an X1 LTI I upgraded to a Cutlass Blue, but I am debating making that a Freelancer MIS. My main job ingame is gonna be running the TEST Wet Wolfy bar and data running, but I want a decently armed light hauler for the flexibility and to do quick booze runs. Thanks guys, love you all and remember to vote for Space Kitty's!


Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
I'd vote for the Blue. The Cutlass is going to be armed pretty heavily, and the blue is meant to have a tractor beam to use on other ships / cargo(?) (I think) so I feel it would make a decent runner. I don't have a lot of knowledge on the MIS other than "I couldn't get one".

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I have both the Blue and the MIS I couldn't part with either of them they are so two different ships aimed at different uses but shore both of them can be used for doing other stuff too and probably do it good to..

Thing I know, Cutlass is much more nimble an work fairly okay in a dogfight if needed, Freelancer kind of but not so much, Freelancer MIS more a midsize fighter missile boat cargo ship... etc.. Blue more like a midsize fighter tank bounty hunting ship.. that still can carry cargo and have module make it in to a red or a black cutlass

So if I have to chose between owning one of them only, I'd stay with the Cutlass Blue... :D


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
On paper i.e. the ship matrix the blue is no better in combat than the Black. I hope its not the case but heh it is a load of stats. The mis at least has something extra. The killa for me though is the mis has a lousy cockpit view and looks lousy.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Personally, depending on how large the bay is for the pair of 85x ships that the 890J is supposed to carry, I would speculate that if you will be spending most of your time running the Wet Wolfy, then I would try to find as large of a cargo hauler to import the vast amounts of alcohol that will most likely be enjoyed. Perhaps an MPUV Cargo.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
What's gonna set the Blue and Black apart will be the types of components they can install. If the Blue installs Military comps and the Black can install Stealth, it will be 2 very different performing ships.
This is a VERY good point & something to be considered for the future now that we know a little more about it.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I would go with the MIS. You don't sound like you need detention pods and the guns and missiles on the MIS make it a better attack ship with hauling. I still think it's too early in development to give a definitive answer, but I'd have to lean towards the MIS at this point. The Blue seems more like a bounty hunter, the MIS seems like a heavily armed light hauler.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Honestly you can debate all day about what ship to get and still not come up with the "best answer" i had a blue and a mis and I LOVED them both but when me and a buddy where flying around in game i was always drawn to the blue (or the general cutty) over this mis because of the cockpit. you can actually see out that ship and depriving your self of such a beautiful game where you either need to zoom out to third person or zoom in past the horrible views of the freelancer (not great in a combat scenario) just felt like an extra step i didn't need to take. If i was maybe closer to the front or bigger windows I would snap one up again and that would be my two ships for sure.

Its a dam shame to have such a limited view of a really beautiful game.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Honestly you can debate all day about what ship to get and still not come up with the "best answer" i had a blue and a mis and I LOVED them both but when me and a buddy where flying around in game i was always drawn to the blue (or the general cutty) over this mis because of the cockpit. you can actually see out that ship and depriving your self of such a beautiful game where you either need to zoom out to third person or zoom in past the horrible views of the freelancer (not great in a combat scenario) just felt like an extra step i didn't need to take. If i was maybe closer to the front or bigger windows I would snap one up again and that would be my two ships for sure.

Its a dam shame to have such a limited view of a really beautiful game.
if you just want to be a space tourist, why even get a combat ship?

my idea of a beautiful sight is watching my enemies blink out of existence on my HUD as I bring the serious missile pain


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
My $0.02 ... I really *want* to like the MIS, but I see a couple problems right now the way missiles are implemented / likely implemented (but could change ???)...
The primary missile of the MIS is a Size 2 missile, which
a) don't have a long range (so you have to get close to the enemy...& the Freelancer is not much of a dogfighter),
b) don't pack much of a punch (it takes at least 3 to kill decent size fighter), &
c) will be somewhat expensive, compared to other weapons (like lasers and ballistics).

Right now, I'd go with the Cutlass Blue...


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I have both a Cutlass Black ship, and a Freelancer loaner for my Dur jpeg (png actually), so I can talk to both. I'd stick with the Cutlass you have if you like it. I don't see a distinct advantage of the Cuttlass over the Freelancer in either case.

Both are pretty good general purpose small ships in most situations. The Cutlass can pretty much hold it's own in a dogfight and can carry good amount of beer. The Freelancer carries more beer, but isn't quite as maneuverable, it can track and target an enemy ship just fine though. I found the rate of fire for the unmanned turrets a little low, but there are 4 guns between those turrets. Those ballistic rounds do a lot of damage when you score a hit.

If you're being chased, both have manned turrets to sting opponents approaching from the rear, and the turret should be able to add firepower to most situations. Assuming you have a gunner aboard.
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2016
RSI Handle
I would go with the Blue over the MIS for general light hauling. The Blue has 26 fixed maneuvering thrusters, compared to the MIS's 12 gimbaled thrusters, that means the Blue will be a lot more maneuverable and able to get out of harm's way. This more than makes up for it only have one shield generator instead of the 2 the MIS has. You also get more pilot controlled weapons for when you do have to fight and a tractor beam for nabbing goodies.

The biggest thing that makes me recommend the Blue though is the crew requirements. Minimum for both is 2 but max for the MIS is 4. That means that if you want it fully functional you have to get 3 other people or NPCs to come along with you to man the turret, copilot, and engineer's seats. The Blue has a max crew of 2 so you only have to find 1 unpaid intern to mash buttons for you. And let's face it, you are already going to have enough minions to worry about just to keep the bar going.

Edit: And the cargo difference is only 3 SCU between the 2 so that's not enough to even really matter.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
There are a few points I don't see discussed yet.

Efficiency: The Cutlass is not built with top spec components, it's going to have a shorter range and over time the Freelancer will cost less to run. It's designed to run stable and reasonably well just not with peak fuel efficiency.

Reliability: I'm not sure how accurate this is but the Lancers are commercial with a good reputation for getting from A to B and so they are very reliable and will likely be using higher quality components. Hell read the brochure, if you don't buy a Lancer after reading it then you never wanted it to begin with.

In the long term I would say the Freelancer is the better ship but as we all know this isn't likely to be much concern if I have to buy 10% more fuel for my Cutlass, that's like one or two missions but it's still a difference and should be noted.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
My hazy memory recalls the early MIS documentation specifically pointing out that it was "prone to accidental explosion" since the freelancer was never intended to be fitted with missiles.

If that's true then you wouldn't want to haul anything important in a MIS. Some other freelancer, sure. But not a MIS.

Maybe that has changed, I haven't paid much attention recently.


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
There are a few points I don't see discussed yet.

Efficiency: The Cutlass is not built with top spec components, it's going to have a shorter range and over time the Freelancer will cost less to run. It's designed to run stable and reasonably well just not with peak fuel efficiency.

Reliability: I'm not sure how accurate this is but the Lancers are commercial with a good reputation for getting from A to B and so they are very reliable and will likely be using higher quality components. Hell read the brochure, if you don't buy a Lancer after reading it then you never wanted it to begin with.
I would heavily disagree with this. If you look at the documentation for Drake, their ships are reliable, cheap to run, and cheap to replace. The freelancer may be comparably better in that department, but Drake ships are not known for breaking down.
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