Daymar Moon Ore Survey Saturday May 9th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Daymar Moon Ore Survey- Saturday May 9th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC - be 15 minutes early

Start Location:
Port Olisar
Destination: Daymar Moon
Purpose: Data collection for the Ore Location Index
Tool Needed?: Bring your Prospector, Mole or other ship that can scan for minerals


  1. 15 mins before Event Time Start - Party Formation
  2. 3:00 pm EST/ 8:00 pm UTC - Party Launch - - We're not waiting - If you want to get in after these 10 minutes you'll have to know someone in the party and able to join the server that way. That’s the only way to get a party invite after the initial launch. If the server crashes then we'll reform and you can get in that way.
  3. If it is a high turnout event, the Survey may be split into 2 groups.
Overall Plan:
  1. Meet At Port Olisar A-Strut.
  2. Spawn Prospectors, Moles / Other ships.
  3. Travel to Daymar
  4. Spread out, scan rocks, Sunder will record the Ores. Goal is 10 rocks scanned per ship at different locations on the moon.
Last Things:
  1. To facilitate a timely start you WILL be at Port Olisar before the Op even begins or you're not getting a party invite.
  2. Add Black_Sunder, to your contacts beforehand.
  3. Buy and store some food and drink in your armor. Water at Casaba, MRE food in the gun store on the counter.

Next Event: Timed Prospector Mining Competition - with Prizes.
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