Debating fleet setup. Solo vs semi solo groupable ships


Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
So i'm currently debating this.

Seeing the base building, made me lock into the base building loop as my fleet focus.

So mining for the stuff i need
being able to deploy drones so i can build most sizes (at least large)
being able to haul cargo for transporting stuff
probably being able to harvest fuel and transporting it.
maybe doing salvaging?
maybe some medic flying?
and a ship i could see myself living in nicely. (captains quarters)

So my thinking is, if i chose the prospector, i have no option to just ask friends to join if they don't have a mining ship. But if i have the mole, which can sorta be soloed, i can easily have people drop in and help out without needing anything.

So should i go for which ship?

Prospector - to just keep a cheap ship for solo mining.
Mole - can sort of solo this, and can have friends join in who don't own any mining ships
Arrastra - can this even be soloed semi easily? but adds refining.

Base Building
Starlancer BLD - looks like a great ship, and Large drones. Probably expensive
Base building truck - with an ironclad, i could probably easily transport this without needing the starlancer. But can it do large?
Base building grav sled - probably cheap and fit in most things. But can't build big.
Galaxy - supposedly also getting a base building drone module. Size?

Ironclad - i just love the look of this. And seems quite nice.
Banu Merchantman - i have one of the cheap ones. But not liking what i have seen so far.

Starfarer Gemini - My first love in SC. Still hoping for a rework. Now i'm thinking if it is worth it just to fuel my base, or just buying the fuel and transporting it there. Originally i wanted to use this as my primary ship for cargo, living, dropship and more.

Vulture - limited space
Reclaimer - Soloable it seems, and can have friends on board, and good space. But is it needed for the base building loop at all?

Terrapin Med - i love the terrapin, hated the chair. Wanted to use it for other things and it seems like this might be the one. And i want a med ship to help out with.
Carrack - love the idea of flying in a full all round ship.
Galaxy - alternative to the carrack, or is it? also have some base building maybe?

any ships i have missed or overlooked that would be a good fit?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I think we are all having the same thoughts based on the last couple of years as CIG appears to want to discourage anyone flying around on their own in anything bigger than an aurora by making every game mechanic as obtusely complicated as possible that it physically requires more than one person just to keep on top of it.

It's hard to really plan a fleet, when the game changes three times a year over the next 10 years.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I see you are planning for multiple industrial focus ship, but in most case they are mean to operate as a single lonely ship, have you consider to build a fleet of may be smaller ships but that complement each other?
For example instead of an Arrasta with refining module, why not a Prospector/Mole with an Expanse and a Freelancer MAX?
Instead of a Reclaimer why not to consider a medium size reclaiming ship (there will be one at some point) and a good freight ship along side?

Result will be comparable but a fleet with smaller ship can be, for some aspect, more flexible and reach peak performance with fewer crew member plus you can split resource so that that the cargo ship can travel to the selling point while mining/scraper keep on theyr work.

Also I've notice you didn't consider repairing/refueling jobs with ship like the Crucible or the Vulcan.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I think we are all having the same thoughts based on the last couple of years as CIG appears to want to discourage anyone flying around on their own in anything bigger than an aurora by making every game mechanic as obtusely complicated as possible that it physically requires more than one person just to keep on top of it.

It's hard to really plan a fleet, when the game changes three times a year over the next 10 years.
From CIG's perspective, it's very easy.

Just buy at least one of every ship and you will be fine.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I think @BUTUZ nailed it.. many of us have taken this on as a path to focus on in the game. AND, things change. CitizenCon last year completely upset my hangar, and after this year, well.. !!!

As a Point of Reference, though - There are MANY members in the org who have the big ships, and those will come out for operations. So my suggestion (and I'm trying to follow my own advice!!) is to stick with ships you can use yourself, or are at least willing to put in the work to use yourself. Pretty much anything with a Large or Capitol quantum drive should be eyed with heavy suspicion.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
i am going with the starlancer bld, i went ahead and upgraded my corsair to it when to the lancer max when it was announced and feel it will ne a moderate price to upgrade that to the lbd when it gets announced. going with the vulture and prospector will always be a good move. i have a reclaimer but sometimes going solo if i do not have a lot of time makes them more efficient.
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