Probably the most important stuff after all the tech talk about DX12 and Vulkan.
CR: "The multicrew that we demoed back at gamescom is moving along quite nicely, so that's something we're pretty confident of being able to share with people towards the end of October.
“I think people will actually have a lot of fun because it's a big level – and it's not an empty level, there's lots of things to do, so it's a bit of a playground. I'm actually looking forward to people getting out there, getting in their ships, and flying around and getting into trouble with each other, against each other, countering AI – it's the very, very, very beginning stages of what the actual Persistent Universe in space will feel like, so it's not a limited combat arena map. I'm pretty interested to see the community get into that cool stuff that I'm sure I'll see it in videos."