Docshaftoe is an ace pilot

Devil Dog Hog

Space Marshal
Jan 28, 2016
RSI Handle
I rember a bobbyshafttoe from planetside 1. He could do stuff ingame that no one else could do with aircraft so the name checks out.

On a side note finally bagged the Idris P on the first wave. So now i have every capital ship in the game if we dont include the idris M :P
I too have every ship in the game. . . If you dont count the Jav, the idris (M/P) the kraken, the merchantman, the bengal, the 890, the endeavour, the orion, the reclaimer, the *sigh, counts in head* ok, so basicly I just have an Auroa. BUT, it does have a nifty feature of blotting out the sun if you are EVAing and get about two feet next to it in the shadow.
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