Does being a part of the alpha ruin some of the surprise factor?


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Well @Montoya, there is one thing that you won't get to do before launch of SC. That is play with your organization mates when it really matters and that's day one of the release of SC. Up until then you might experience a good chunk of the game but not all the solar systems and certainly not all of the situations you can find yourself in with your friends. It's those moments that will define how good this game will be and what you will always remember going forward.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Not as a rule set in stone, I kind of avoid the lore stories, hoping to learn about the universe they built while playing the game. Also going to, at least at first, try to start the game in an Aurora and see how far I can get. I'm not really sure how much that will change the experience, but I want to give it a shot. If anything, I'll get to understand what the game is like for the new fish jumping into the pond late.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
The things I'm most looking forward to aren't things that can be spoiled by having experienced them before - The thrill of discovery, the adrenaline of a well executed raid, or dropping my ship into port chock full of lucrative cargo - Sure, I'll miss the new ship smell, and wont get the finding out just what things can be pushed to do hype, but I'm fully looking forward to being the old bastard sat in the bar, explaining the capabilities of whatever ship, helping make their experience just a little bit broader.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't think the magic will be lost. The verse is too huge for that. There are too many experiences to be had that aren't viable or available currently. It's going to he glorious. Yeah, we won't have that 'new game fresh out of the box' feeling, but we will certainly have that 'fresh experiences ready to blow out minds' feeling.

I am cherishing every step of this experience. And all you lovely TESTies just make it so much more fun.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Well.... Oh shit. I forgot what I was going to say. It's gonna take three years or so for me to recall those thoughts.

Wait. Now I remember...

discover Star Citizen in 3yrs
Being a bit generous here?

Do you think you are spoiling some of this for yourself?
I see your point. But to be honest, I'm love running into bugs and trying to replicate others. When we go live, how many times will I be able to stand up in my 350r and fly with my head thru the roof?
And besides, aren't we worth being spoiled?

I am cherishing every step of this experience. And all you lovely TESTies just make it so much more fun.
And I'll drink to that my friend. :beers::beers:


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
I kinda like learning about the game in little chunks here and there. Discovering something new after its been out for 3 years is somewhat overwhelming (at least for me).

Example, I went to go play Black Desert Online recently for the first time, totally lost in everything cause there was SOOO much content.
I played that game on release you didnt miss much haha


Space Marshal
May 27, 2014
RSI Handle
Based on past experiences with MMO's and games in general, my sense of wonder and magic typically lasts for about a week before culminating in despair. I've died several dozens of times, blown through hundreds of thousands in funds and suddenly realize the grand milestone I have set before me will not be reached with out a serious gear shift because I have been doing everything completely wrong. Some might consider this part of the fun. But then afterwards hit the forums an do things the right way. I think of this pre experience as the tutorial for playing the game the way you mean to.

The one thing I would like to see though is the voluntary ability to lock the many ships that I have pre-purchased in order to simulate earning up to them in game.

For example: I would not be able to un-hanger my cutlass black until I have donated the cost of a cutlass black to Test Squadron or whatever charity that makes me feel like I earned my cutlass black.
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
There is no doubt that visually there is a lot of wow factor which does fade in time. The first time I saw a cutlass red in the hanger was like wow and now it is well sadly less so. The key to star citizen is not creating ever more wow visuals but providing the game play that lives up to the looks.

Many games look nice.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2016
RSI Handle
like cosmic said we get a small part of the universe
we can use this time to test not only gameplay but how the market trading ,fighting,mining, salvaging works for when the game launches


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The surprise factor are the easter eggs we get. It's a space sim-ish game. There will be combat, there will be trade, there will be heroes and villains. There will be pirates, privateers, and the navies that catch them. There will be riches gained and lost...sometimes in a single day.

The surprise is the journey, not the destination. The start is at launch and every day will be a new adventure....I hope.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
The surprise factor are the easter eggs we get. It's a space sim-ish game. There will be combat, there will be trade, there will be heroes and villains. There will be pirates, privateers, and the navies that catch them. There will be riches gained and lost...sometimes in a single day.

The surprise is the journey, not the destination. The start is at launch and every day will be a new adventure....I hope.
We need Raptors...


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
their horrible citzen con last year
Hey yeah! I forgot about that. Where's my pitchfork and torch?

Just because you watch Star Wars the first time doesn't mean that the 100th time is not as good as your first if its good every time.
Only 100? Psh, rookie.

For me the first star wars experience in the cinema aged not very much was just wow so new so epic so good. You never get that magic back the same way. It doesn't stop the next viewing being good.
Exactly. When I got my big screen 4k and a new surround receiver, the first movie I played was The Empire Strikes Back. That opening scene blew me away just like it did at the cinema back in th 70's.

edit: made corrections after I sobered up. Again. As always.
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Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Do you think you are spoiling some of this for yourself?
I've thought about this a bit and I don't think so. The logic behind that may me unique to me though. For now, I am merely following the development and dipping my toe into the content every once in a while. So even with the limited percentage of overall release content in the game now, I still have plenty to discover.

Now this may change in a month or so. Right now the PU is mostly devoid of content. It's a very basic framework that is set up like a fence around a construction site. We can run around and move dirt, but nothing is really built yet. We can see some indication of what is coming. We can look at the blueprints, but it's still just a dirt lot. 3.0 might actually be the first time we actually see what the game is going to be like. So I guess at the moment, it's hard to really gauge if we are ruining our future enjoyment. Because really, when it all boils down to it, we have yet to actually see or play the game.

That being said, I vividly remember the first time I logged into the game and stepped out onto the port olisar landing platform for the first time. In those first few seconds, I knew this game was going to be a thing. I have been playing video games since the early 80's and there have been very few gaming moments that were so profoundly awe inspiring.

I am glad I experienced that now, in alpha, instead of later on release. That's because on release, it won't be peaceful. It's won't have the same feeling of grandeur. It won't inspire a feeling that you have just taken your first step into an infinitely vast universe. That's because when the game is released, you will step out and see a caterpillar and two terrapins cleverly positioned and floating above the dock so they look like a dick and balls...

I suspect there are at least a few more moments in store before the actual release. At least, I hope there will be. I have high hopes for 3.0 and the first time I land on a planet. That said, no matter what moments the next few years hold, none will hold a candle to playing the completed game during those first months of release and actually being out in the verse with millions of other players.
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