Drake Kraken Privateer


Space Marshal
Oct 10, 2015
RSI Handle
Captain Phelan
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
I nabbed a credit version of the upgrade, I am not applying it till we get some answers as to whether the shops can be removed or not to return the Kraken to its full cargo.

If it cant, then I just cant apply it as I dont want to have to fuck around getting another large cargo ship.

It also looks like people can kiss goodbye the BMM having thousands of SCU worth of storage AND shops as its just not going to big enough.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2015
RSI Handle
and they sold out in 10 minutes?
As a Kraken owner I would want the ability to install up to 8 of the public shops and up to 2 of the private shops. Otherwise it seems such a waste of cargo space if you don't have the clientele to make it worth your while to fully populate your marketplace space in your cargo hold.



Space Marshal
May 9, 2015
RSI Handle
I nabbed a credit version of the upgrade, I am not applying it till we get some answers as to whether the shops can be removed or not to return the Kraken to its full cargo.

If it cant, then I just cant apply it as I dont want to have to fuck around getting another large cargo ship.

It also looks like people can kiss goodbye the BMM having thousands of SCU worth of storage AND shops as its just not going to big enough.
The BMM is designed to be a cargo hauler and marketplace. That's all it does. The cargo space AND the marketplace were designed in so I believe it will have the cargo space as advertised.
The Kraken maketplace uses most of the cargo space if you decide to add it.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Interesting concept, definitely niche, I mean you would either have to have some extremely rare items or undercut the prices of whatever is around you to generate enough customers to make profits or be in such a remote area you are the only thing around in which I could see this being useful, is it able to refuel, rearm, repair as well or strictly a floating merchant ship? If it can do all that and find a place in space that warrants it then it could make tons of dough.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I love the name, but I don't think a mobile marketplace is for me. I love the Kraken, but this will be something I spend my days crewing on for someone else.
Dont' look it to a mobile marketplace only, look at the whole system together...
For example if you are into salvaging and scraping you could use the Kraken Privateer as a mobile base with three Volture as a working ship to scrap the relics you find, a couple of Freelancer MAX (medium size ship, it will fit into the large landing pads) for trasnport materials and a lots of shop inside for selling both the salvaged materials and the metal retrived...
All your business in a mobile package...

If you are into bounty hounting just use some Avenger and the Cutlass Blue and set the shops to sell the goods confiscated and retrived from your bounty...

Always looks at how to fit a ship into your gameplay, not the other way around, this ship could be a central hub for a lots of gameplay, not direcly related to trading...


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I nabbed a credit version of the upgrade, I am not applying it till we get some answers as to whether the shops can be removed or not to return the Kraken to its full cargo.

If it cant, then I just cant apply it as I dont want to have to fuck around getting another large cargo ship.

It also looks like people can kiss goodbye the BMM having thousands of SCU worth of storage AND shops as its just not going to big enough.
The currently listed 3584 SCU of cargo that the BMM contains is from the old metrics before everything was converted around for 3.0. I suspect that the BMM will most likely hold about 1k SCU internally with the new metrics, possibly more if it grows like it should. They currently have its length listed at 160m, but I suspect that will grow to somewhere between 200m - 250m when released as flyable. For example, the 890J is still listed in some areas as only being 123m, but its released length is over 200m.

The BMM is designed to be a cargo hauler and marketplace. That's all it does. The cargo space AND the marketplace were designed in so I believe it will have the cargo space as advertised.
The Kraken maketplace uses most of the cargo space if you decide to add it.
This is correct. So have a BMM team up with a Kraken that has an ARGO MPUV - Personnel to let space patrons land on the Kraken & while they are having their ships serviced they can shuttle over to the BMM for shopping the "rarefied" goods.


Space Marshal
Oct 6, 2014
RSI Handle
So the conversion kits are applyable upgrades kind alike CCU's and NOT like the Idris-K kit? I bought the kraken for the attack carrier and have no reason nor use for a flying mall as ive got the BMM. I was going to get it if it were like the K kit but if its a CCU-like application then its not for me. Can anyone confirm the difference?
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