Piracy Drake psynergy

Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
With the release of the dragonfly, buccaneer, and the cutlass being revamped the whole drake lineup make sense with piracy and here is why.

Your target is a Connie, 5 crew on board. You have your buccaneers run in and start bashing it up with a cutlass right behind for heavy support. The ship is immobilized and your cutlass docks and boards the ship. Your caterpillar comes in behind send off its dragonfly's with a single pilot (i'll explain in a bit). Anything highly valuable you put into the cutlass, anything less valuable you have the dragonflies transport to the caterpillar. If something was to come and attack the cutlass can detach leaving its boarders on the connie and run. It has the valuable stuff on board but can outrun the caterpillar and the buccaneers can hold off the intruder. The boarders on board can jump on the dragonflies and make a run for the caterpillar. Since the Caterpillar never was attached to the connie it too can began a quick jump to space once the dragonflies are on board.

It's such a simple idea and so well done that I have to give props to CIG. They have really ran this pirate thing down unlike eve and others.


Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Dont mind him, he always does that xD

But CIG has stated they want the drake ships to be a family or at least feel like one.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I love the artistic unity in the Drake line and I do think people will love to use them as a family, but I think there are a couple questionable notions in the scenario atop this thread. For instance, I think it is very important to realize that the greatest commodity in any game like this is definitely the players. They can only be in one place at one time and flying at most one ship, and many ships will require more than one player, so the very last thing you want to do in a conflict like a pirate raid is put your people in the least powerful ships in the game--the DragonFly. That is just a bad idea start to finish. People don't pirate freighters from jet skis and we should not plan to stop Connie's with DF's except for very good reasons.

What would be an exception to this general rule that you want your people flying powerful ships? Well one exception is if you're using the DF's tiny size to some advantage. If you can haul 6 DDF's into an asteroid field with a Cutlass and use these to ambush a Connie, that's great. A Connie should not be very concerned about a single Cultass by itself. It's just got the 2 Distortion Cannons. but if you can draw a Connie into a place where it can be assaulted in just a few seconds--close proximity to asteroids that the tiny DF can hide behind--then you are using the DF's real advantage. Now you have 14 Distortion Cannons and the Connie will go down fast.

And make no mistake, piracy is not going o be simply chasing targets down. With the quantum drive in almost every ship, you have to take control of the situation by controlling the environment. Draw plays are going to be the standard, IMHO. Pirate raids are going to have to look to time attacks so targets don't have the fuel to jump away, etc. Setting up the conflict through careful planning is going to be a real art and much of that art is going to be intelligence gathering and networking in port to set up marks, IMHO.
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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I love the artistic unity in the Drake line and I do think people will love to use them as a family, but I think there are a couple questionable notions in the scenario atop this thread. For instance, I think it is very important to realize that the greatest commodity in any game like this is definitely the players. They can only be in one place at one time and flying at most one ship, and many ships will require more than one player, so the very last thing you want to do in a conflict like a pirate raid is put your people in the least powerful ships in the game--the DragonFly. That is just a bad idea start to finish. People don't pirate freighters from jet skis and we should not plan to stop Connie's with DF's except for very good reasons.

What would be an exception to this general rule that you want your people flying powerful ships? Well one exception is if you're using the DF's tiny size to some advantage. If you can haul 6 DDF's into an asteroid field with a Cutlass and use these to ambush a Connie, that's great. A Connie should not be very concerned about a single Cultass by itself. It's just got the 2 Distortion Cannons. but if you can draw a Connie into a place where it can be assaulted in just a few seconds--close proximity to asteroids that the tiny DF can hide behind--then you are using the DF's real advantage. Now you have 14 Distortion Cannons and the Connie will go down fast.

And make no mistake, piracy is not going o be simply chasing targets down. With the quantum drive in almost every ship, you have to take control of the situation by controlling the environment. Draw plays are going to be the standard, IMHO. Pirate raids are going to have to look to time attacks so targets don't have the fuel to jump away, etc. Setting up the conflict through careful planning is going to be a real art and much of that art is going to be intelligence gathering and networking in port to set up marks, IMHO.
First of all I never said to stop connies with dragonflies. If you read the scenario the connie is taken out by buccaneers and cutlass.The dragonflies are use to transport material from the connie to the caterpillar so the caterpillar does not have to dock.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Why would anyone use a motorcycle to move cargo?

Put a tractor on the Cat and all you have to do is push the crates out of the target craft. That stuff should be easy.

What will not be easy is getting your Cat anywhere near a real mark. I know as soon as I see a Cat I'll be thinking "there's trouble". Freighters will not be exploring asteroid fields. You might get the odd Freelancer or Prospector, but it's not like they will have stuff worth stealing unless you can take the ship with you. Killing everyone for a couple plasma rifles is not good pirate policy. :-)
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Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Why would anyone use a motorcycle to move cargo?

Put a tractor on the Cat and all you have to do is push the crates out of the target craft. That stuff should be easy.

What will not be easy is getting your Cat anywhere near a real mark. I know as soon as I see a Cat I'll be thinking "there's trouble". Freighters will not be exploring asteroid fields. You might get the odd Freelancer or Prospector, but it's not like they will have stuff worth stealing unless you can take the ship with you. Killing everyone for a couple plasma rifles is not good pirate policy. :)
Cat comes with a decently well ranged tractor beam, and also, its not meant to be an attacker, its more of a defensive ship, basically, its there for support, or if fighters come under heavy fire, the cat can provide some defensive shelter, thats about it.
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