I stumbled across it a couple of days ago when CIG/CR wrote about it: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15515-Note-From-The-Chairman
"Interesting", I thought, "but wtf cares...?"
And well, the last days, I again and again stumbled across it. Today now I opened the kickstarter page of "Dual Universe", just because I'm curious whats this all about:
I watched the teaser
I read the content.
But honestly: in opposite to Star Citizen this whole setup doesn't convince me to give one single buck. Plus this whole thing with "No instances, no zones, no transitions" bla...don't we have such things already at least with EVE...?
What are your thoughts about? And what could be the reason that CR not only takes notice but writes a whole message about it? Doesn't he have better/more urgent things to do...?
Would like to share your thoughts.
Thanks and cheers!
"Interesting", I thought, "but wtf cares...?"
And well, the last days, I again and again stumbled across it. Today now I opened the kickstarter page of "Dual Universe", just because I'm curious whats this all about:
I watched the teaser
I read the content.
But honestly: in opposite to Star Citizen this whole setup doesn't convince me to give one single buck. Plus this whole thing with "No instances, no zones, no transitions" bla...don't we have such things already at least with EVE...?
What are your thoughts about? And what could be the reason that CR not only takes notice but writes a whole message about it? Doesn't he have better/more urgent things to do...?
Would like to share your thoughts.
Thanks and cheers!