Eh, we really don't know what caused the dip in emissions from KIC 8462852. More than likely, it's just a rather large and thick cloud of space junk/dust/blow.Already done in KIC 8462852.
Right I was being somewhat facetious. Serious questions raised with KIC 8462852 but the beer dyson sphere was too good to pass up :)Eh, we really don't know what caused the dip in emissions from KIC 8462852. More than likely, it's just a rather large and thick cloud of space junk/dust/blow.
I would do the math on a The Dyson Sphere, but I have a crap ton of work to do, and should probably be actually trying to get some of it done.
Given enough time and test members anything is possible.It's bound to happen organically in whatever system we call home.