ED: Everything An Explorer Could Want


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
Except for instancing and a truly open universe. And landing on planets. And an fps. Oh, and really cool ships. Now that's out of the way, Elite Dangerous is awesome if you like planets - which I do - and simply love to go into the unknown. With 4 billion stars and limitless planets, it is every discovers wet dream. So I have to wonder how on earth is SC going to come up with enough gameplay for Explorers with 40 systems? I mean sooner or later all the systems are going to be discovered top to bottom. Any thoughts?

Special reward for last comment!


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I can think of a couple off the top of my head, but I dont work at CIG so I dunno how feasible they are.

1) Temporary/Decaying jump points. Think wormholes in EVE, except they can link any two systems for a few days, and then die off. Awesome shortcuts, but dangerous if they lead to Vanduul/Nulsec.
2) Randomly seeded derelict ships to scan down and report/salvage. Anything from a Hornet to a Bengal. Same with abandoned space stations.
3) Unknown systems. It would be really cool if CIG didn't list some systems in the star map, or in game at all, but people would have to try and find the jump point manually and hope theres one around. Massive payoff if you do!

I'd be willing to bet money that each system in Star Citizen is going to have a LOT more to do than the average system in Elite. If it takes 40 minutes to cross from 1 side of the Sol System to another on cruise mode, that can easily be 6 stations, each with a job board, asteroids to mine/root pirates out of, merchant convoys to escort, etc etc.
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Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
I can think of a couple off the top of my head, but I dont work at CIG so I dunno how feasible they are.

1) Temporary/Decaying jump points. Think wormholes in EVE, except they can link any two systems for a few days, and then die off. Awesome shortcuts, but dangerous if they lead to Vanduul/Nulsec.
2) Randomly seeded derelict ships to scan down and report/salvage. Anything from a Hornet to a Bengal. Same with abandoned space stations.
3) Unknown systems. It would be really cool if CIG didn't list some systems in the star map, or in game at all, but people would have to try and find the jump point manually and hope theres one around. Massive payoff if you do!

I'd be willing to bet money that each system in Star Citizen is going to have a LOT more to do than the average system in Elite. If it takes 40 minutes to cross from 1 side of the Sol System to another on cruise mode, that can easily be 6 stations, each with a job board, asteroids to mine/root pirates out of, merchant convoys to escort, etc etc.
Yeah, like the wormhole idea. And derelict ships will be awesome. As for unknown systems, I guess that will depend on how much expansion CIG is willing to add? But landing on planets seems to be a big idea for SC - but with such limited planets I doubt that there will be much to discover in a few weeks after start up.


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Yeah, like the wormhole idea. And derelict ships will be awesome. As for unknown systems, I guess that will depend on how much expansion CIG is willing to add? But landing on planets seems to be a big idea for SC - but with such limited planets I doubt that there will be much to discover in a few weeks after start up.
Very true. But on the upside, the landing zones on planets will be actually interesting instead of randomly generated, insuring a well designed planetside experience.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I've got the explorer bug too, so I picked the Cobra Mk III with explorer package as my starter. Put me on the edge of explored space apparently. I'm having fun cruising around, scanning systems and running a bit of cargo here and there. I'm not too deep, I missed launch and haven't had a free day to spend on it yet.

On your question: SC has the main man CR.. 'nuff for me


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
Very true. But on the upside, the landing zones on planets will be actually interesting instead of randomly generated, insuring a well designed planetside experience.
Sounds good but a well designed planet experience might be easier said than done if only a small portion of the planet is available to explore. Wonder how much surface will be accessible.
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Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
I've got the explorer bug too, so I picked the Cobra Mk III with explorer package as my starter. Put me on the edge of explored space apparently. I'm having fun cruising around, scanning systems and running a bit of cargo here and there. I'm not too deep, I missed launch and haven't had a free day to spend on it yet.

On your question: SC has the main man CR.. 'nuff for me
Yeah, I am really enjoying it and had my first interdiction while exploring. Outran him and warped out in time despite dealing me a few blows. Guess all that running away from gangs in Arena Commander paid off.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
had my first interdiction while exploring. Outran him and warped out in time despite dealing me a few blows
I've only had one myself. Oddly enough I didn't keep on the blue escape vector at all and I still evaded.

I picked up a fuel scoop before I logged out, never used one in beta/gamma. Looking forward to really getting lost in the black next time I can play.


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
I've only had one myself. Oddly enough I didn't keep on the blue escape vector at all and I still evaded.

I picked up a fuel scoop before I logged out, never used one in beta/gamma. Looking forward to really getting lost in the black next time I can play.
I must admit, it's getting pretty addictive. Already cutting into my Arena Commander game time.


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
They're both great games, and the more features E:D gets down the line, the better. As it stands, I *might* pick it up, but if I never get to get out of my seat I'll be dissapointed. At that point, it's basically just an awesome and fancy version of Evochron: Mercenary. SC's first person portions are a huge part of the draw for me, and I hope E:D gets something similar.


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
They're both great games, and the more features E:D gets down the line, the better. As it stands, I *might* pick it up, but if I never get to get out of my seat I'll be dissapointed. At that point, it's basically just an awesome and fancy version of Evochron: Mercenary. SC's first person portions are a huge part of the draw for me, and I hope E:D gets something similar.
I'm not sure but I believe I read somewhere that ED plans on atmospheric flight and an FPS. Now that would definitely be something given how massive in scale it is.


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
It's good for space trucking. I love space trucking!

*continues fapping to banu merchantman*
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Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm not sure but I believe I read somewhere that ED plans on atmospheric flight and an FPS. Now that would definitely be something given how massive in scale it is.
Yes, but remember: planets are randomly generated. There's no guarantee that they'll be at all worth landing on. To me, large numbers of planets mean nothing if those planets are wastelands/poorly made.


Rear Admiral
Nov 2, 2013
RSI Handle
I'd consider exploring if you could board the capital derelict ships and stations and go balls deep in some fps pussy.

Lonestar the Kilrathi

Rear Admiral
Aug 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Lonestar the Kilrathi
i don't want to say anything bad about ED since i haven't played nor watched any really recent gameplay
but at what point does discovering the number of planets in a system and what they look like get boring?
Is that all you do is fly to a system and look at it? what is there to do there, and what interesting things are you
finding as you explore?

i'm thinking exploration in the PU of Star Citizen is going to be like the hunt for the Titanic by tiny submarine years ago.
You'll hear a rumor at a bar that there's a ghost ship way beyond the last planet in the sector and since it's ice cold you'd need a pretty sweet sensor system to have a chance at detecting it, so you'll take your carrack out there with some buddies and sweep the system, maybe fight off a vanduul or two or some pirates while you're out there, and then suddenly you'll pick up a weak signal and hone in on the coords. what you'll find is a wrecked Javelin or huge Banu Frigate or whatnot. maybe you board it to look for hidden treasures and you find a crazy space critter that has destroyed the ship and maybe a loose narrative by listening to the captains log. maybe you have to fight aliens and then destroy their weird nest in the engine room to turn on the power so you can, i dunno, unlock some door that leads to a cargo hold full of nice stuff to pawn? alien artifacts? a map to a new jump point and a brand new system?

i also expect explorers to explore like indiana jones and hunt down the whereabouts of artifacts based on a series of clues that make up a procedurally generated "quest chain."

i also expect that you'll be able to chart and sell plotted courses that let you avoid being detected while moving through UEE space. pirates will pay good money for this information and exploration ships might be more than welcome in pirate space which could ALSO lead to a lot of double-agenting.

i dunno. i say expect, but i think i really mean "i hope." i don't really know what would be "fun," but it certainly needs to be more than a terrain generator. I see ED like minecraft but with trading instead of crafting, and i thought minecraft was great, but i was always waiting for some kind of content that was more than just yet another jungle or forest biome. i always wanted to have "in-fiction" (to borrow a phrase) reasons for doing things. i was always doing things and thinking "my character is doing this because i googled the internet and found out about this thing and now i'm doing it" rather than, "my character found a mob drop that's a book that explains how to build a nether gate, cool, there's a HELL level? i should build this thing."

So are there "in fiction" reasons to explore in ED or is exploration completely a self motivated activity?
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Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
Yes, but remember: planets are randomly generated. There's no guarantee that they'll be at all worth landing on. To me, large numbers of planets mean nothing if those planets are wastelands/poorly made.
I guess it depends on what you are looking for. If you like planets, nebulas, asteroid belts, stars and moons then ED delivers BIG time! If that is not your thing then no, ED isn't for everyone. But I am somewhat taken aback how well made ED is and how easy it is on the processor. Definite pluses. And I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with something that makes planets visually appealing even when landing. But they really need a third person view to see the outside of your ship while flying so it adds to the immersion.

That being said, SC is still on track to making a kick ass experience! I mean walking around in you ship while planets, moons, asteroid belts are rotating outside the window? Every space farer's dream. And of course the ship designs are far superior to ED, least of all SC will be far ahead regarding cities and city architecture But it does seem to be an interesting juxtaposition between ED and SC: one started focusing on creating a vast universe first with an eyes towards an FPS/ ship boarding and inevitably landing on planets while SC started first focusing on ships, combat and an FPS. And despite all the flowery encouragement each camp offers another, I am sure it is a race to achieve the ultimate Space sim with all of the above. Sure there's room for more than one space sim now, but there probably won't be later.


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I guess it depends on what you are looking for. If you like planets, nebulas, asteroid belts, stars and moons then ED delivers BIG time! If that is not your thing then no, ED isn't for everyone. But I am somewhat taken aback how well made ED is and how easy it is on the processor. Definite pluses. And I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with something that makes planets visually appealing even when landing. But they really need a third person view to see the outside of your ship while flying so it adds to the immersion.

That being said, SC is still on track to making a kick ass experience! I mean walking around in you ship while planets, moons, asteroid belts are rotating outside the window? Every space farer's dream. And of course the ship designs are far superior to ED, least of all SC will be far ahead regarding cities and city architecture But it does seem to be an interesting juxtaposition between ED and SC: one started focusing on creating a vast universe first with an eyes towards an FPS/ ship boarding and inevitably landing on planets while SC started first focusing on ships, combat and an FPS. And despite all the flowery encouragement each camp offers another, I am sure it is a race to achieve the ultimate Space sim with all of the above. Sure there's room for more than one space sim now, but there probably won't be later.
Yes, I think that's about right. But: this is the PC market. Just because the two space sims compete for market share doesn't mean that they have to be bitter enemies. I think it's nice to see someone supporting other great games regardless of competition. More companies should be doing it.


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
Yes, I think that's about right. But: this is the PC market. Just because the two space sims compete for market share doesn't mean that they have to be bitter enemies. I think it's nice to see someone supporting other great games regardless of competition. More companies should be doing it.
Possibly. At least I would like to see SC and ED holding hands and flying into the horizon together.
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