Elite Dangerous: Odyssey


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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I think its great!

Ive put a few hundred hours into Elite, but have not played it in a few years.

Ill be excited to go try this out.

I do not expect this to have ship interiors, most likely its just you spawning on the surface vs walking through a ship.

Any further information on this?


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I think its great!

Ive put a few hundred hours into Elite, but have not played it in a few years.

Ill be excited to go try this out.

I do not expect this to have ship interiors, most likely its just you spawning on the surface vs walking through a ship.

Any further information on this?
Not sure. That teaser trailer came out 14 hours ago. I was actually hoping some current ED players would fill us in!
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
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I guess 4 years late and another £50 you will get what was originally promised in the original Elite!

That being said, competition is good - may put the boot up chris's arse a bit which is much needed.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I was wondering when this would show up here. Didn't care to post it myself as I think that Elite is soooo deadly empty and boring that I even forgot I own it.
With the game being so very New/Returning Player Unfriendly, I doubt it will be any fun to me.

Remember the previous "huge" additions?

-You can now fly to the other end of the galaxy to upgrade some components slightly for insane amounts of money and resources, yaaaaay!
Can you do this content if you stopped playing for more than 24 hours since release? Nope.
Is there any point to do it? Not really.
Is it fun? Definitely not.

- You can get intercepted and obliterated by aliens if you wander off in the right direction, yaaay!
Can you do this content if you stopped playing for more than 24 hours since release? Nope, unless getting killed endlessly sounds like "doing the content".
Is there any point doing so? Nope.
Is it fun? Nope.

-You can now drive on the planet, and you can do the same 1 type of mission you would normally do with your spaceship, but it's now arbitrarily restricted to your rover, yaaay!
Can you do this content if you stopped playing for more than 24 hours since release? Depends. There is a better chance then with previous ones.
Is there any point doing so? Nope.
Is it fun? Once for 5 minutes, maybe.

-You can now run on planets, yaaay! Let's see if it turns out any better, but for "some reason" I have my doubts.

If I can get my "legs" for free, I'll try it, otherwise I'm skipping this one as well.

Technically it works. It already has lots of "features". You can fly, you can trade, you can drive, you can fight in space or on planet... yeah. Technically it's all there. But what's the point???
It has no flavor! It has no "universe". It's all just "there".
There are no rewards apart from getting a bigger ship, and getting the highest end modules. End of. Nothing else happens. Ever!
Don't give me that shit with the aliens... The first interception is fun, but the rest when they keep attacking you and you don't stand a chance unless you grinded for the last X years and hoarded enough cash to get the anti-alien weapons, it's literally just a "you're dead, haha" event. It's annoying at best.
Space combat is trash. It just is. You either have big enough guns or you lose. You either have the right ship to counter your enemies or you lose. There is no middle ground. You either easily obliterate the enemy or you gotta run. Realistic? Yeah, sure, it is! Fun? After the first 2-3 times you get your windows crushed in the first 5 seconds and have to run back to port, it get's anything but fun.
Oh, and I'm supposed to be able to play it in multiplayer and show off my stuff and fly with others... Yeah, for 5 minutes it might be fun but there isn't much to do in MP really. SHow off what? How much I spent in the cash shop for my skin? (I hope CIG won't do this to SC that I have to buy a "skin" for 5 USD just to change the base-color of my ride.. oh wait, they already did, fack!)
To be honest, in my roughly 100+ hours of playtime, I have NEVER encountered another player. Or I did, I just didn't notice it as there is zero interaction.
People keep calling Star Citizen a tech demo, when actually Elite is nothing but tech. It has no soul. And that tech is sorely lacking.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
They want me to pay an additional fifty bucks for the honor of walking around their barren planets vs driving them? Yeah, no thanks. A mile wide and an inch deep since the beginning and I doubt that particular issue will be addressed at all. Pass


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Well there is a huge, shocking, earth shattering, reality distorting, futility of human existence reaffirming, well send me to the bottom of grandmas stairs surprise.

Rest assured I will be equally shocked if, when its released, it turns out to be utter shit.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmm well the fact that ED is putting a out a content like that is interesting, but abount the competition and the "pressure" on CIG I'm not that sure...
I've played a bit of ED since its giveaway on the Epic store, honestly not impressed... not even a bit.
Yeah the idea of having the whole galaxy to explore is great, but it is worth it? I've travelled to a far distant system (like 20 jump awayform the system cluster you start into) hoping to have some mission along the way to make some cash and get preactice with the game mechanics but there was baiscally nothing... no mission, no station to interact with, hell some system ware only two stars and nothing else while the other just a bit more... So exploring what exactly?
Personally I thing SC, even right now, with lack of mission content and a single system to explore, have far more content and entertainment of the whole 20 system I've travel in ED... adding the ability to walk around and ship interior doesn't seams a way to improve that but just an addition of emptyness that I don't feel is necessary.

On ED side I'll focus on creating content, mission and bring the graphics up to date instead of having several cheap texture all over... create differents ship cockpit to give you a felling of an actual cockpit instead of being just an overcomplex FPS interface, adding the ability to navigate and interact menu with the mouse also since right now if feel like a cheap console porting...
After all of that then you could add some FPS gameplay and start to apply pressure on CIG side, untill then, it feel more like is the other way around with ED that is running more and more behind SC the more CIG release contents.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmm well the fact that ED is putting a out a content like that is interesting, but abount the competition and the "pressure" on CIG I'm not that sure...
I've played a bit of ED since its giveaway on the Epic store, honestly not impressed... not even a bit.
Yeah the idea of having the whole galaxy to explore is great, but it is worth it? I've travelled to a far distant system (like 20 jump awayform the system cluster you start into) hoping to have some mission along the way to make some cash and get preactice with the game mechanics but there was baiscally nothing... no mission, no station to interact with, hell some system ware only two stars and nothing else while the other just a bit more... So exploring what exactly?
Personally I thing SC, even right now, with lack of mission content and a single system to explore, have far more content and entertainment of the whole 20 system I've travel in ED... adding the ability to walk around and ship interior doesn't seams a way to improve that but just an addition of emptyness that I don't feel is necessary.

On ED side I'll focus on creating content, mission and bring the graphics up to date instead of having several cheap texture all over... create differents ship cockpit to give you a felling of an actual cockpit instead of being just an overcomplex FPS interface, adding the ability to navigate and interact menu with the mouse also since right now if feel like a cheap console porting...
After all of that then you could add some FPS gameplay and start to apply pressure on CIG side, untill then, it feel more like is the other way around with ED that is running more and more behind SC the more CIG release contents.
Yep, my thoughts exactly, apart from the controls.
Content wise, ED has been empty since launch, and even though I tried playing it a couple of times per year, it always feels hollow and empty. There is too little life, too little to do, and everything looks the same. I travelled much farther out, and there is literally nothing to explore. It's just some scientifically correctly colored balls of light (Stars) with some muddy textured smaller balls around em (planets). Nothing more. SC has waaaay more stuff to do already.

As for controls, I think ED is pretty damn good IF you set it up correctly. You can literally do everything from a 4 button joystick with a hatswitch. Access all the HUD panels, set all your ship items, use the comms, and so on. It was very convenient for travel/space truckin. It is simple but effective.
I think the current millions of button bindings in SC are a bit too much when we don't have a good default setup to start out with. It's great to customize it later on, but it took me, an experienced player, about an hour to set up SC controls for my new joystick. And that was just to make it playable. ED controls just work out of the box, it's much less to customize though.
SC should keep it's control customization depth, but maybe add a separate tab for Basic Controls so you can (re)bind them fast to get into the game more easily, without having to scroll and hunt through the thousands of lines of control bindings.

Edit: and to address the point about the expansion being postponed: who cares at this point??
Seriously, is there a player base that really wants this? Cos the hardcore few who remain loyal are already there, everyone else just left ages ago.
You can already drive around desolate wastlands, fly from supposedly highly populated system to system for hours without bumping into anyone ever. What's the point of adding walking? (Apart from it being promised in the original goals)
I haven't seen anything about there being proper Ai PVE FPS missions to provide content for this new feature. Also, just like with landing and driving, I've not seen any mention of there being dozens of different armor and weapon types. The promo only showed like 2 guns and 1 type of recolored armor. So again, no content, just like with having a single type of buggy to drive with a modification list of like 4 items.
So what will you do when you can walk around? VR maybe fun for an hour, but then again, no content!
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Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
I will agree on the controls part, I can control a 200 meter capital ship with several turrets, deployable fighters etc, navigate the universe, dock, repair, sell, buy and equip items a WHOLE LOT easier than trying to do the same thing in SC, even though there is no real difference between the two in the outcome of the action.

SC with EDs controls and interface would be absolutely amazing.
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