Extra ships in Fleet Manager/ASOP terminal, besides loaners and temporary free-flys


Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
I'm clearly not the only one to have extra ships showing up in ASOP terminals in game, but after a bit of Googling I'm not too convinced by any of the answers people came up with. I can see the following ships in an ASOP terminal just now. (And yes, I'm appropriately ashamed about how many ships I've paid for with real money...):

  1. Aegis Vanguard Sentinel
  2. Aegis Vanguard Sentinel - 2
  3. Aegis Vanguard Warden
  4. Anvil Arrow
  5. Anvil C8X Pisces Expedition
  6. Anvil Carrack
  7. Anvil Carrack Expedition
  8. Anvil F7C-M Hornet Heartseeker
  9. Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet
  10. Anvil Hurricane
  11. Argo MOLE
  12. Banu Defender
  13. Crusader Mercury Star Runner
  14. Esperia Talon
  15. Kruger P-52 Merlin
  16. MISC Prospector
  17. Origin 350r
  18. RSI Constellation Aquila

1 & 2: I bought one Aegis Vanguard Sentinel in game a few days ago, and TWO appeared in my fleet list in game. They have different loadouts.
3: The Aegis Vanguard Warden is correct - bought with real money.
4: I have no idea why I have an Anvil Arrow. I think it was a temporary free-fly ship of the month six months ago or something, and I took it out for a spin at the time, but that should have long since ended.
5 & 7: The Anvil C8X Pisces Expedition, and the Anvil Carrack Expedition are correct - bought on eBay originally as a normal Carrack (CCU'd) and later upgrade to the Expedition variant with an upgrade from eBay...
6: ...but why is there another Carrack too? I only bought one.
8: The Anvil F7C-M Hornet Heartseeker started off as a Hornet I bought for real money in the pledge store years ago, and I upgraded it to the Heartseeker variant in Feb this year with an upgrade from the Pledge Store.
9: The other Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet is a loaner for the RSI Scorpius I bought in Invictus week.
10: I think the Anvil Hurricane is also a loaner for the Scorpius.
11: I bought the Argo MOLE in game, that's fine.
12: I bought the Banu Defender in game yesterday, that's fine.
13: I bought the MSR on eBay, that's fine.
14: I originally bought a Nox Kue years ago from the Pledge Store, and upgraded it to an Esperia Talon - this is fine. Weidly, I seemed to get both this and a Khartu-al when I did that upgrade - no idea why I got that. The Khartu-al has since disappeared, which is fine.
15: The Merlin comes with my Connie, #18.
16: I bought the Prospector in game. Fine.
17: I bought the Origin 350r back in 2013!
18: I started all this madness with Rear Admiral pack in December 2012. That originally included an RSI Constellation Andromeda, later upgraded to an Aquila which I kind of regret at the moment.

There's also a Greycat ROC bought in-game, but that doesn't show up on the Fleet Manager terminal for ships, so that's fine.

So, the weird ones are the extra Vanguard Sentinel, the Arrow, and the extra Carrack. Any idea why those might be there?
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I've never been able to completely identify all of the ships in my in-game list compared with owned ships, but this kind-a-sorta helps. On top of this there are special ship released for publicity and also for subscribers. These vanish quickly sometimes and sometimes not so quickly.



Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
The carrack is a subscriber ship of the month (are you sub?).

The arrow is not a loaner for anything to my knowledge, same for the sentinel, you maybe bought them ingame a long time ago? ;)
Aah, of course, the Carrack is subscriber ship of the month - yes, I am a subscriber just now. Good call. However, I'm pretty sure I never bought an Arrow and I'm positive I didn't buy a second Sentinel - I only just bought the first Sentinel about six days ago. It represents about a week's worth of casual grinding for me, so I'd definitely remember :) Puzzling!
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Before, there was this bug when you had multiple clones of the ship you bought ingame, after reclaiming the first ship. I thought it was a fixed bug, but I saw recently on a stream someone having something similar, and all ships + clones were working and had there own outfit, so I guess it might still occur, or it is a new bug (because previously when a ship was bugged after a reclaim, you had a non-working clone). That would explain the Sentinel probably.

The arrow I do not know :)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Just out of curiosity, what sort of grinding were you doing to earn a Sentinel inside a week? I'm always curious since I never know what to recommend to new players. I'm still confused which is the best starter pack. That Nomad seems to have jostled things a bit.
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Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
FWIW I've had a random Arrow FOREVER, at least two maybe three patches. I think it first showed up last November for the Expo maybe? I also have 2 Archimedes, but here I'm fairly certain the second one showed up shortly after I first dicked around with un/re-docking with my Phoenix (back before that completely broke for the Phoenix of course. . .)
Just out of curiosity, what sort of grinding were you doing to earn a Sentinel inside a week?
Play a LOT! JK, well, sorta! But anyway, for fresh newbies, few box deliveries, get some FPS gear, run some SPK and/or bunkers, then work towards combat via comm skimmers and then bounties, or go the mining route via ROC/Prospector.
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Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
what sort of grinding were you doing to earn a Sentinel inside a week?
Mining quantanium in an Argo MOLE solo at HUR L3, refining it at CRU L1. I average about 700k an hour, including breaks to refine (dinyx solventation method) get water/food and a weekly run to Area 18 to sell the refined quant. Tutorial video by Loudguns:
View: https://youtu.be/yNU11dFBcE8

I’m new to bounty hunting, but I worked my way up to this mining loop over several months, starting with a ROC I earned with box missions and trading and an MSR I bought on eBay mining hadenite on Ariel. I then used the proceeds to buy a Prospector and only mined quantanium as above. Made enough to buy a MOLE, carried on doing the same.


Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
I've never tried a Nomad. I'll report back if I rent one and try it out with my ROC, but based on this thread, I think getting a ROC in and out of it all day is going to be frustrating. There are enough bugs with the ROC as it is - disappearing into the planet, running out of fuel, rolling over and being difficult to right. I see some love their Nomad, so maybe some beginners will too.

I think this is a fairly widely-held view: there's so much to learn about SC when you're starting out, a more general-purpose starter ship would allow a new player to discover what they enjoy doing and experiment with a few ways to make money. Plus, you'll be able to earn enough to buy a slightly better second ship more tailored to what you think you'll like in game pretty quickly anyway.

My 2 creds: for someone dipping a toe in, I'd go with one of the cheapest packs - Aurora or Mustang, or maybe an Avenger Titan starter pack. (Can't say I've spent much time in any of those). For someone more like me - caught up in the whole grand plan and with a bit of spare money to throw around and not so much free time - I'd get something much bigger than a Nomad. I love my Mercury Star Runner. Do a few box missions, shoot a few bounties, add a ROC, and go mining that way. That pairing REALLY works. (I never tried a Cutty Black, but everyone seems to think that pairs with a ROC very well too, and it's cheaper).

The Carrack is not worth the real money I spent on it, but I absolutely love it for what I hope it will eventually be when we have exploration and long missions away from civilization. The perfect platform for a real adventure, hopefully. And it's already genuinely great now for cargo trading and for delivering refined quant.
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Do you recommend the Nomad start package to those who want to mine?
To anyone considering a ship to pair it with the ROC :

Actually this is the best jack of all trades "premium starter" ship (80$) before the cutlass (100$), which is already not a "starter" ship anymore if you count every dollar spent. I bought myself 2 Nomad package when it was released, to play with them when I'll want some solo mining/moon exploring time.

The Nomad has really nice firepower (3 fixed S3), comparable to Arrow or Gladius for dps, so you can also use it to do bounty mission up to VHRT without issues. It has more shields than a Gladius, but less agility and speed.
Unlike those 2, it has a bed, like the Avenger / Aurora / Mustang starters.

It has very good cargo for its size, and can transport a ROC on the rear platform. Thus is very interesting for miners.

Of course if you have 20$ more, I'd recommend going for the Cutlass. The ROC is perfectly made for this ship (they sold in the ROC & Brawl pack at ROC release). It is a better ship in all characteristic, and the first for playing with a crew.
Add an additionnal 10$ and you get a Freelancer, more cargo but less firepower and the ROC fits a bit tightly in it but it does still.

About the MSR, if you have the dollar for that, I guess that it does not matter what advice you can read here then 😉


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
My 2 creds: for someone dipping a toe in, I'd go with one of the cheapest packs - Aurora or Mustang, or maybe an Avenger Titan starter pack. (Can't say I've spent much time in any of those). For someone more like me - caught up in the whole grand plan and with a bit of spare money to throw around and not so much free time - I'd get something much bigger than a Nomad. I love my Mercury Star Runner. Do a few box missions, shoot a few bounties, add a ROC, and go mining that way. That pairing REALLY works. (I never tried a Cutty Black, but everyone seems to think that pairs with a ROC very well too, and it's cheaper).
For years I've said if you play the game for a week and still like it, the Titan is by far the best value starter ship, and I still stand by this. I also then standby the NEXT ship worth spending IRL$ on is a Cutlass, if you're still into the game after ~6months and are interested in dabbling in multi-crew. While I agree the Nomad is also an excellent <$100 starter-ish ship, especially if mining is one of your main aspirations, but I also don't think it really dislodges my recommended Titan -> Cutty -> You-know-by-now-what-you-want-next-and-how-to-get-it progression.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I have talked with several people who don't want to fight in game so much as transport, trade and maybe mine. I always say the best starter transport is certainly the Lancer because it is so stealthy, you can avoid most trouble, but the Lancer doesn't seem to qualify as a starter ship any more than a Cutty does. The Nomad. . .kinda starterish and hauls a LOT more than the Titan. Also can be stealthed to avoid trouble rather than settle it.
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