Extraction Shooter


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm here to fly ships, space truck, and blast some alien ass with my SHIP.
If I want to play Tarkov, I play SPT because I'm not dumb and I'm not playing that trash online. It's pathetic compared to slightly modded SPT...
This brings me to the point, that I don't think SC is anywhere near the quality where this kind of gameplay is viable. They can't even get basic hit registration right yet, I doubt this will work out well for them. Much later down the line, sure why not, but not now.

(offtopic, but I always wondered why the media never calls our Tarkov for it's business model, while it keeps writing the hit pieces on SC. FYI the single one and only reason Tarkov is still in business, is because they intentionally let players cheat, then ban them when the uproar is too much, and here comes the important bit: they let them re-buy the game again, with no consequence, under the same name, same bank details, same credit card and so on. So if they catch you cheating hard, after a while they make you re-buy the game, and that is it.
That is like 85% of their income, banned cheaters (and sometimes random players who get banned for income..khm., I mean, out of error) re-buying their game. There's official numbers out there via the UK tax office because they are registered there for some reason, just like with CiG, so yes you can look it up and it's real.)


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
What is “black hot”?

This game is turning into what I’ve wanted for decades.
Good question. I first learned about this thermal system from my time flying my in-game Apache AH-64D helicopter way back in the day. There are 2 primary thermal systems used to detect the enemy in low light conditions. White hot mode displays warm objects in white and colder objects in gray or black. Black hot mode displays warm areas in gray or black and cooler objects in white.



Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
In my AH-64D the HUD reticle was yellow so it didn’t really matter which mode you selected. I had to look this up but it looks like the SC scope reticle is white. Would be nice if they changed that to perhaps yellow so it pops better.

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Since you’re an Apache fan I have to ask, have you seen what its replacement the V-280 Valor can do? They just started testing guns on it recently. Much better speed, range and payload. Gonna really shake up everything.
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Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
No, I hadn’t followed that. Looks super impressive…especially it’s combat range and speed. Didn’t see too much regarding combat payload though. Sounds like it’s geared to replace the Blackhawk and maybe the Chinook. If it’s replacing the Chinook it must have crazy lift capacity.

if I were a forward operator, my ears would certainly be perked.

I had been very loosely following the 360 Invictus which was to replace the Comanche. Or so I thought. Just looked it up now and looks like they may have scrapped it for now? And maybe also retiring the Comanche either way? Bummer.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The Valor is medium lift, so not replacing the Chinook. That is more the role of the Osprey, though I think they are keeping the Chinook around a bit longer.

The Valor is the direct replacement for the Blackhawk, and with a planned mod to fold the wings, the Seahawk. After US Army had a win with it, planners in the Pentagon decided they wanted to see it equipped for the attack role, just because of its insane speed and range. Since it lifts significantly more than the Blackhawk, they found they might have another win. It’s a much higher performance design than the Osprey, due to tilting the rotors only and not the engines. In this way it is almost a second gen design of the Osprey.

While it lacks the tandem profile of most attack helicopters, it lifts 2.5X as much as the Apache, and again is much faster and offers 8X the range. So yeah, they absolutely need to put guns and bombs and other boom stick stuff on it and see what happens.

8X the range is ferry range (2,400 v 300 miles). Combat range is a little less than half that. The fantastic ferry range means they don’t need to be carried to a conflict zone. They can fly there themselves. That is an incredible difference for mission planning and even general logistics, as to how close to a battlefront they need to berth. It opens up enormous new opportunities and for once I think we’ll see much greater value for its original development than ever anticipated. US Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard and maybe even Air Force will buy them, and after all those orders are filled I suspect we’ll sell them overseas as well.
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Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
I just don't see this working with "Death of a Spaceman" which CIG have recently assured us is still a thing, there is no way running straight from a green zone into pvp and repeating every time you get killed will simply not work with it.
It works just fine for you if you simply invite me to be your personal bullet sponge.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I just don't see this working with "Death of a Spaceman" which CIG have recently assured us is still a thing, there is no way running straight from a green zone into pvp and repeating every time you get killed will simply not work with it.
Honestly what you bring up is one of those underlying questions that has cropped up repeatedly over time. Anyone remember the death race missions that nobody played and were dropped out of the game?

There has been, in my opinion, an intense focus on the PvP side of the game, and on activities with a high chance of dying. Not real happy with that, but over time the focus has swung back and forth so we'll see what the future brings. As you point out, if DoaS is the costly process they indicate then much of this high risk content will become seldom used.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I just don't see this working with "Death of a Spaceman" which CIG have recently assured us is still a thing, there is no way running straight from a green zone into pvp and repeating every time you get killed will simply not work with it.
Indeed given the existence of the green zone and the pvp zone near by I took it as them simply allowing for more pvp fps in their game as a way to satisfy the shooter crowed with something to do while they continue to add more game features in 3 to 12 years. And then when they revamp combat for the 1,243,221 time due to the changes required to bring one phase 1 of real security zones and npc guard responses in preparation of real player death these zone will go away. Until then it's a fun distraction. And honestly I'm looking forward to it as much as I am the cargo revamp coming in 3.24... or was it 5.24?
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