F7C-M SH and F7C Hornet Question


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
My better half still has a Super Hornet. Like you, I also upgraded to the Vanguard. I have a strange feeling that the Carrier birds, like the Hornet, are going to be less sought after after once the Nyx, or other system on the other side of Pyro is added to the PU.

Carrier birds have enough fuel to cross the Stanton system but not much more.
lol, I still have my Heartseeker...for some reason I thought it was an F7C, didn't realize until after I bought it it was a Super Hornet. I really want to put the heavy Size 4 gun on a Hornet, but have a single seater with slightly faster speed. And a little cargo bay to smuggle stuff...I guess I should just buy a Hornet Ghost...
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
And therin lies the crux, single seat fighters are designed to be operated in system or off a carrier of some sort. This isn't Star Wars where you can jump clear across the galaxy in an X-wing. Something with a larger profile will be able to make system to system moves, but the small stuff? You are probably paying to relocate it.
I am only keeping one, the Gladius is a place holder for something else while I keep my Penguin.
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