F8C Lightning Golden Tickets


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Who wants erm? I have two and looks like they’ll be wiped come 4.0. They’ll be for sale on Anvil day at IAE.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmm not sure they'll wipe them for 4.0 being an hangar item, but if you have a spare one I'll take it.
Not sure i'll buy an F8 to be honest, but having one just in case won't hurt.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmm not sure they'll wipe them for 4.0 being an hangar item, but if you have a spare one I'll take it.
Not sure i'll buy an F8 to be honest, but having one just in case won't hurt.
Cool man. Gimme a message on Discord and I'll hand it off to ya!


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle

If you have an F8C Lightning and you don't have 120 month insurance or LTI on it, there is an option to get it coming

From spectrum FAQ https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/intergalactic-aerospace-expo-2954-faq-welcome-back :

I have previously pledged for an F8C Lightning with 6 months-insurance, but IAE offers typically come with with the special 10-year insurance. Can I upgrade to this extended insurance?
Yes! Anyone who currently owns an F8C Lightning with the 6 months-insurance will be badged to see the free upgrade option to 120 months-insurance on the IAE page on Anvil Manufacturer Day (November 30, 2024). If you can't see this upgrade option, don't fret! Some of you will already have been automatically upgraded to the extended insurance, so make sure you're logged into your account and that your insurance hasn't already been bumped up!

For Limited ships
Will there be quantity stock-limited ships?
Yes! Each stock-limited ship is limited to one per account and will be available in Warbond and/or Store Credit released in three waves to cover as many global time zones as possible:

Wave 1 – 16:00 UTC / 8 a.m. Pacific
Wave 2 – 00:00 UTC / 4 p.m. Pacific (the prior day)
Wave 3 – 08:00 UTC / 12 a.m. Pacific

IAE Day 2 – November 23: Aegis Idris P, Aegis Javelin
IAE Day 3 – November 24: MISC Hull E
IAE Day 5 – November 26: RSI Constellation Phoenix
IAE Day 6 – November 27: Consolidated Outland Pioneer
IAE Day 7 – November 28: Drake Kraken, Drake Kraken Privateer
IAE Day 8 – November 29: Origin 890 Jump

and finally, you MIGHT be able to add a second (or third, or fourth) F8C to your stable, but you need to have redeemed your gold ticket previously. With this combination of ships, it MIGHT hit 1k (110, 350, 220, and 260 were the old warbond prices IIRC)...this is 940, so with a 70 dollar bump (easily accomplished), that hits over 1k and it will probably include LTI.
Will there be a Best in Show ship pack with the Anvil F8C Lightning?
Yes! There will be two BIS ship packs this year. The BIS Complete Pack will include the Anvil F8C Lightning along with the other Ship Showdown 2954 semi-finalists, the Crusader C1 Spirit, Anvil Terrapin, and Aegis Reclaimer. If you have previously redeemed your CDF F8C Certification Pass (or, as many refer to, Gold License) at an in-game rental, you will be able to obtain this BIS Complete Pack.

The other BIS Pack will include the C1 Spirit, Terrapin, and Reclaimer without the F8C Lightning.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I mean, I'll take it anyway on the off chance. I left the game for several years due to not having a PC to run it, after coming back I'd love to have a chance to get an F8. And if it comes to nothing it comes to nothing. Whats the best way to get it off you? :)


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmm i maanaged to rent on in game in IEE but only had time to flew it for an hour I want to fly one more!!! Can you rent them in game I am out of touch with what you need to do noawadays to get an F8
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