Fallout 4 review and thoughts after 150hrs


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Well, its done.

I finished the main story line with the Institute. Looks like nothing but side quests and "go kill raiders" from here on until a DLC!

I have three X-01's (still can't find that damn leg for one of them!) and more BoS power armors than I can count.

If there was something I could change, it would be that power armor be a lot harder to get, or at least upgrade.

Starting off with the X-45 with missing pieces, it would have made for a lot more interesting and rewarding game play if parts and complete armor were extremely rare.

Walking down the street and finding a full X-51 set within the first few hours was so exciting, I thought I hit a major jackpot, but then you keep walking and keep finding them.

I thought fusion cores would be a problem, but sentry bots yield two every time and I have more than I could ever use.

Armors and cores turn into more of a hoarding mechanic than one that is essential to the game.

I would have liked to have that one single frame and have had to work and scrounge to slowly upgrade it as the game progressed. A Frankenstein power armor with pieces from Raiders and other places which slowly becomes the X-01 by mid-game.

I say mid-game because getting the white paint job as a reward at the end of the Institute story is great, but now Im at a level where I dont even need the power armor anymore, so it sits around in Red Rocket gathering radioactive dust.

Now I have the fully maxed out armor, all the perks, all the goodies I want, but nothing to do with them.

There is still more work to be done on settlements which should take a few more hours, but other than that, I am extremely pleased with the FO4 experience and looking forward to what comes next!

Where in the HELL did you get 150 Hours? Do you have a nanny dude? I only got one of these little turret gunners and I can't even get 150 seconds to check my emails. You got two.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
my thoughts on fallout? the game itself is pretty good fun, but there wernt enough factions and quests, I really quickly ran out of faction quests, unlike skyrim. More on this below

Power armor was way too easy to come by, i thought you would need to carefully save it, but no, now i have several sets sitting around my house. And more fusion cores than ill ever need.

Artillery is awesomesauce

Building settlements was a bit boring grindy and frustrating.

It actually wants as buggy as i thought it would be (given that its a bethesda game)


I really hated the having to choose between factions... especially given that there were so few. I want to play through all the options, not end up fucking choosing one or two factions with the rest of them hating you.Only having four semi-side-quest-factions with very few missions. Seems like its gonna be a bullshit "pay for more quests DLC" bullshit.

Overall tho, I enjoyed playing it, dont see much grind fun in it or much replay value. But it was good for the 80 or so hours ive played so far.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
I saw this video and I was laughing hysterically, that may be a indicator ive played this game to much...

This is the BEST. THING. EVER!
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