FOIP FaceWare and FaceRig?


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm relieved to received this incredibly friendly answer from the developers of FaceRig.
The tech is really similar and come to find out FaceRig devs are fans of Star Citizen too!

What are your thoughts?
  • Do you think it's be cool if CIG gave permission to FaceRig to allow us free downloads to pretend to be Miles Eckart or another character?
  • Would this stress the relationship between CIG and FaceWare or would FaceWare be cool with this?
Direct response for FaceRig is here


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
Well... there is one point that concerns me:

No, FaceRig is not related to Faceware, but be at ease, we are not patent trolls, we think competition is actually healthy and we welcome other endeavors in this space :).

Some of us from the dev team are big fans of Star Citizen too, we would have loved the opportunity to work with the Star Citizen team :). Maybe we didn't use the proper channel to reach out to Robert, who knows :D.
If even the Developers from something that's now (by another company) in Star Citizen can't get to CR & co, then how the crap is "our" feedback ever going to make it?

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Well... there is one point that concerns me:

If even the Developers from something that's now (by another company) in Star Citizen can't get to CR & co, then how the crap is "our" feedback ever going to make it?
Maybe they didn't even think it to be a useful product in SC or even actually tried to contact any Dev in CIG..
Since I as late as couple days a go was in contact with dev's that answer more or less with in couple hours to my request and question and we sorted out my problem within hours..

So I find it hard to believe they even tried to contact anyone at CIG. .


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
If even the Developers from something that's now (by another company) in Star Citizen can't get to CR & co, then how the crap is "our" feedback ever going to make it?
Oh... you got a good point.. I dunno? lol We have the 10 for the chair... so I guess that's one way to get questions / feedback in front of CR. It used to be, I heard, if you did that $15,000 pledge during the kickstart you could have a conversation with CR.. and I think someone told me a dinner was a part of that deal? not sure. But yea... no idea what the deal is now.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Are you kidding me? What is with this censorship?! lol

Maybe they didn't even think it to be a useful product in SC or even actually tried to contact any Dev in CIG..
Since I as late as couple days a go was in contact with dev's that answer more or less with in couple hours to my request and question and we sorted out my problem within hours..

So I find it hard to believe they even tried to contact anyone at CIG. .
Yea you have a big point there. Though they typically take at least a few days to a week to answer any of my concierge tickets. Are you saying they answered your ticket in a few hours? If on spectrum I can see that happening.
Last edited:

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Are you kidding me? What the hell is with this censorship?! lol crazy
Well you see on steam some of the moderators are on power trips, I have had to do with some of them in the past.
You can contact the program/game dev for the forum site on steam where a mod have acted out toward you and put a complain against that mod if the manufacture of the program/game think you're right they will correct the mod on power trip to back off and be more friendly to their customers.

If you feel the need it is possbible to win that argument but be shore that mod will keep you in his sight for long time to come ha ha..


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Well you see on steam some of the moderators are on power trips, I have had to do with some of them in the past.
You can contact the program/game dev for the forum site on steam where a mod have acted out toward you and put a complain against that mod if the manufacture of the program/game think you're right they will correct the mod on power trip to back off and be more friendly to their customers.

If you feel the need it is possbible to win that argument but be shore that mod will keep you in his sight for long time to come ha ha..
Yea... true.. I don't need some mod gunning for me but sometimes it sure feels like that anyway. Or when others I interact with who get a stick up their butt. I personally LOATH being censored and censoring others just because you don't like what's being said. One thing I like about getting into small arguments on twitter, is everyone can see your bullshit, and if you try.. you can see the other person's perspective and you two can come to an understanding... happened before with a Vietnam vet arguing with me about the holocaust, which I had family which went through that.

TL;DR edition
Censorship is stupid and evil

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Yea... true.. I don't need some mod gunning for me but sometimes it sure feels like that anyway. Or when others I interact with who get a stick up their butt. I personally LOATH being censored and censoring others just because you don't like what's being said. One thing I like about getting into small arguments on twitter, is everyone can see your bullshit, and if you try.. you can see the other person's perspective and you two can come to an understanding... happened before with a Vietnam vet arguing with me about the holocaust, which I had family which went through that.

TL;DR edition
Censorship is stupid and evil
Agree censor a comment for you don't like it is so wrong, if it is not proper that is another thing IMO
But I hate when mods act out and take action toward someone be cause they think different that is just so so wrong and they should not be mod!


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I got a response... GentlemanJ replied something to the effect that since the link is not directly related to SC.. it got the kibosh. Told me to try in a text post since that would be allowed... to me it's nitpicking to allow it as a text instead of a link when it's the same thing, it's not like people will decide to leave SC for FaceRig.. FaceRig isn't even a game!..

And also any text posts I try to make look like shit... so I asked if he(or she?) could post it. Either way.. I'm done. Someone else can post a pretty text post that is an active redditor "publisher". I just post links and upvote people (I don't downvote unless person is a super dick). imo reddit is better as link post discussions and voting up content/ideas/jokes. Not an article publishing platform like pc gamer.

imo another example of people deviating from the original mission statement of their own platform.
"The conversation starts on Reddit"

yea... thanks for nuking the conversation reddit before it really started.
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