Forbes article on SC.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Regarding the article, I try to stay away from name brand news. Forbes is one of those. They used to be a trusted name in business, but now are little more than over dramatic click bait. This article is no exception.

There is a statement I heard a long time back, "the first million is suspect". That has held true to the people I have met and know. Dig into any self made multi millionaire and you will find dirt. Some times it is some shady deals. Some times it is some ugly drama. Some times they screwed their way to the top. Some times they screwed someone up. Some times it is deviance. Some times it is straight up criminal acts. The point is, normal people don't just stumble their way to riches. They either are born with it or they have to claw it, tooth and nail, from this world. Most of the time, they have to engage in some questionable morals and ethics along the way.

So to say that CR has issues, is a bit of a "well duh" moment. Everyone has problems. Most everyone has pulled some bullshit in their past. Most of us have had at least one crazy ex. Some of us have been that crazy ex, especially when looking back at the late teens/early 20's. Hell, if my wife were to ever become an ex, good god... I love her but that woman scares me some times.

Everything else in the article was just plain suspicion. There were a ton of accusations and very little fact. There were unqualified opinions and uncorroborated statements. Honestly, I would be willing to bet that the authors were (or are) backers and are just disgruntled with the whole thing. Either way it felt like they had an opinion before they even put pen to paper. The whole thing smacked of confirmation bias.

On the subject of this thread though, it has been an amazing read. It's a perfect example of why I often find myself here. I have never seen a forum so full of great conversations. It runs the spectrum from thought provoking and opinion challenging to dirty humor and deep belly laughter. You all preserve my hope in the human race (what little I have left). Places like Forbes kills it and you all help bring it back.
Its as if the author still thinks its 2015 and DS and his like are relevant still.

The FUD ship has sailed, a long, long time (and $150+ million) ago.
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