Foundation Festival 2023


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
One thing I discovered last night - the "Container" in the "Ready for anything career kit" is a 1/8 SCU box.

While not hugely useful at the moment, at some stage we will likely lose the ability to drag between ship and local inventory and have to move items into\out of containers\cupboards\etc. and carry them to where we want them, and boxes such as this will likely be useful.

Another detail about these kits: While they may seem "expensive" now, or "not needed" as the items in them can be easily acquired in-game, looking further ahead to when the game releases, they could prove to be\have been a good deal: The undersuit and armor in that pack (ignoring the weapons, tools, backpack, and container) sell for a little over 5.000 aUEC (The entire pack's contents would cost over 13k to "replace" in-game), which may be close to (or exceed) the amount of funds many players will have - There almost certainly won't be a 200,000 aUEC "wipe allowance" at release and so players will be starting with the UEC from their starter packs, referral allowance (if they used a referral code) and whatever they purchased in the pledge store, so for many\most, they will likely only have 1,000 - 6,000 UEC (1.000 UEC from base starter pack and 5,000 referral bonus), so the extra $10 required for a "career pack" could end up proving to be a useful investment to speed up early-game progress - more-so if there is a way to "reclaim" lost pledge items.

I'm intending to stockpile a few of each in buyback, cycling credits, as I'm working on the "play as it is now, plan around how it could release" theory.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I got 5 paints, Lodestone, & multi tool but no guns. I am sure they will show up soon. 2 of my paints arrived 12 hours apart.

Edit: Guns have arrived on my account.

Now all I need is 4 more sessions to get all the paints (mostly for ships I don't own)
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