Foundation (New Apple + Sci Fi series)


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I mean if Game of Thrones could do it.....

The Dune series (At least the original Frank Herbert ones, not Jr's) are actually complete too! (Grumble grumble GRR Martin writes slow...grumble)
The son completed the series and prequals using the notes of his father, it is the spin-offs he is still writing more of. I'd love to see the entire series and prequals done as a TV show, I'd watch that, but it is a LOT more books than are even planned for the Game of Thrones book series.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
So, I've read the first two books in the Foundation series about a decade ago and...

Damn if I didn't hate the absolute smugness that comes across from Asimov's Seldon. I might try to read them, again, but the entire premise just came off as "I know what the future holds because you're all too stupid to figure it out, so that makes me infinitely better than you lot."

Hopefully, they tone the assholeishness down in the series.
That was one of the things I actually liked about the character, I thought he was funny (and he was kind to those that he felt had worth) because the people he was directing it at were arrogant entitled morons.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I used to be one of those dudes that hates anything Apple. I changed my mind after I bought the 12" Ipad Pro, its just a quality product and I absolutely love it. I think I can see the appeal of apple outside of their products being social status symbols for people. If all I did was photography or music creation, I'd probably own an Imac as well. They're worth over 2 Trillion dollars, they didn't get there by selling shit products.

Even when I was anti-apple I was still amazed when I watched steve jobs reveal the first iPhone. A true revolutionary moment.

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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I used to be one of those dudes that hates anything Apple. I changed my mind after I bought the 12" Ipad Pro, its just a quality product and I absolutely love it. I think I can see the appeal of apple outside of their products being social status symbols for people. If all I did was photography or music creation, I'd probably own an Imac as well. They're worth over 2 Trillion dollars, they didn't get there by selling shit products.

Even when I was anti-apple I was still amazed when I watched steve jobs reveal the first iPhone. A true revolutionary moment.

You definitely don't want anything apple if you do any serious photog or video. You'd want a real Workstation powered by Intel and Nvidia and running the most stable version of windows at a fraction of the cost. Trust me. A big part of my life was seriously devoted to going to Pro Photo or Film Studio's and having to explain to all of them they wasted sometimes hundreds of thousands on Apple System's, Network, etc because they just could not use Apple products. It is not much better these days if you have to have 99% or more uptime. Yeah, windows, pc have more issues with bugs, hardware variety, drivers and such but most serious firms run software that will never be developed for Apple OS, or their hardware that is now proprietary in their mainstream stuff. I don't know how many times I was called into redo 100+ workstation firms or oversee multi-site wide transitions from Apple hardware, ecosystem's simply because someone thought it would be "so cool and trendy" to have an office or design studio full of apple products. No one ever thought to even check to see if you could run serious CAD Apps like Revit or whatever on iMacs that didn't even have video cards LOL!

Still, this show The Morning Show is really good. I mean, like it's really good. Their movies are great. Their stuff is awesome. The ipad tho? Nah, I'm good dawg half my apps I need for businesses and family stuff will never run on apple stuff well. Also, they don't even have 4K yet, and their hardware is just meh. The upside to Apple hardware.. the design is good if you like stuff from like 10 years ago, and the devices just WORK. Like, rarely do they ever crash, or even freeze. Android, PC, is freaking 10x as bad when it comes to that and that is something I really dislike. Still, I have no choice.

Oh has anyone seem this new Witcher Anime show yet? I was not expecting much but it was pretty damn good! 100% not okay for kids tho IMO. Don't make the mistake I made with Gunnar :) About 1 minute in it get's brutal.



Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I used to be one of those dudes that hates anything Apple. I changed my mind after I bought the 12" Ipad Pro, its just a quality product and I absolutely love it. I think I can see the appeal of apple outside of their products being social status symbols for people. If all I did was photography or music creation, I'd probably own an Imac as well. They're worth over 2 Trillion dollars, they didn't get there by selling shit products.

Even when I was anti-apple I was still amazed when I watched steve jobs reveal the first iPhone. A true revolutionary moment.

Exactly as @SlumLord said, Apple/Mac hasn't been the top system for photo and video for about 20 years, that is why they had contracts for CPUs from Intel and video cards from Nvidia and AMD for about fifteen year (they used to have proprietary CPUs and video cards, but in the early 2000s they'd fallen so far behind the CAD industry started moving to Windows based custom PCs workstations.)


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Oh Ted Lasso is freaking GREAT (at least for us Americans who watch a lot of Premier League, Champs League).

If anyone can't get it just let me know I can rip my copies and you can watch them.

Honestly tho in my opinion this is one of the best damn shows in Television:

Again, if anyone can't watch these just PM me on here or discord and I can get you a legit copy free to borrow for all TESTIES :)

Apple TV+ just keeps pumping out the best damn content on TV.

Greyhound was GREAT:

My wife's favorite show is REALLY good. Even I have to admit this is one damn good show and all the actors just kill it in Physical:

Again, just hmu if you're too boomer to figure out how to watch and I can guide you or just let you watch a copy of mine. Oh by the way, for those of us who are unlucky enough, cheap AF, Apple TV+ is free for most T-Mobile subscribers or something like that now:
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