FPS combat suggestions?


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
You'll find that the reaction in combat is largely a function of familiarity with combat in that environment. That and FPS combat is very different from ship combat, totally different skills. I don't bother much with FPS, I was never very good at it. Flight combat though I was pretty good with. Problem is, if you're flying a mining, exploration, or cargo ship you're not going to be able to defend against any but lower experienced fighter pilots. The idea is get out of Dodge, as fast as you can. If firing a shot helps do that, by all means. But if you're in a ship like the Misc Prospector, all you have is a pea shooter. You aren't fast enough, and don't have a weapon that packs enough dps to do a lot. Even if there are other squad mates on the same server, they probably aren't going to get to you fast enough to help if you stick around in a dog fight.


Vice Admiral
Jan 5, 2018
RSI Handle
IMO - the best way to learn SC FPS is by playing SC and focusing on FPS.

Start by doing the FPS missions on hurston, kill lots of bots, work out strategies on how to turn corners, spot enimies before they see you etc.
Pick a weapon and use it exclusively for a while so there are less variables (i suggest the AR since the npcs drop one on death and you can pick them up).
Start with full auto then switch to 3 round burst, go for accuracy instead of spray and pray.
Along the way youll see when aggression works, and depending on terrain you can pull the enemy into bottlenecks where you have the advantage.

Once you are running missions killing 8 targets w/o getting killed and not running outa ammo, start trying the SPK mission, alot of the time itll just be bots, but eventually players show up. Learn the space and start defending it, a good way to learn how to fight people is to fight people in a familiar space first, youll see how they react and can compare that to how you’d react.

Be prepared to die alot, and make sure that each time its a learning experience.



Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
well when/if the GRASP training stuff kicks into gear at a time I'm not working I'll probably try to get in on that, just thought it might be a good idea to know my ass from my elbow before going in


Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Ok, got a few suggestions for some older games I'll look around for. I realize that I may have misspoke, it's less my reflexes more like my reaction time, less of a physical thing more of a mental thing. I get into an unexpected situation in a game and it's suddenly "OH SHIT WHAT BUTTON DO I PRESS?!". I guess that can be resolved with just playing more often and getting used to rapidly fluctuating situations. That's why I was gravitating towards more sedate activities like mining and cargo running. But if I'm going to be playing an open world PVP game I need to broaden my horizons lol
I would give Aim Hero a try then, you can get it on Steam for fairly cheap and it is basically an FPS trainer with different modes, it might have what you are looking for.
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Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
Rainbow Six Salt- I mean Siege.
The community is various shades of anger, casual, and pure salty sass blasting because they have to be better than you. However it does have a single players option against AI opponents with difficulties of Normal, Hard, and Realistic. Its decent fun and you can practice close quarters combat with cheeky corner peeking, you're also basically made out of glass when facing other players, whoever shoots first doesn't always win. In fact more often than not you die immediately to a cheeky peeker player aimed at shoulder-head level.

Honestly I think its decent if you want to practice fast paced squad combat against bots of a good difficulty. I DO NOT recommend it for its PvP, its quite stressful with a lot of crap, like under-powered rifle cartridges that lose to sub-guns. However if you have the friends or a group you roll with regularly you can also practice call outs and it would make for good team practice, you also dont need to use an operator with a "gimic" and can use the recruit who has most of the guns to my knowledge, and is just a grunt.


Space Marshal
Jun 29, 2018
RSI Handle
I get into an unexpected situation in a game and it's suddenly "OH SHIT WHAT BUTTON DO I PRESS?!". I guess that can be resolved with just playing more often and getting used to rapidly fluctuating situations.
At least that's what I experienced while playing PUBG (which I don't like for several reasons). I'd say I'm a decent Battlefield player, but the high toll your death takes to the squad and the long waiting times just made me nervous. After a while my heart rate did not speed up as much as in the beginning. I think this translates to many situations of high mental stress. You won't be thinking as good as when you are calm, but trained SOPs and muscle memory can make for a better outcome.

Personally I'd say try out Rainbow 6 Siege, this might translate well to Star Citizens shooter mechanic from what I've seen so far. (Have never played R6S myself however)

EDIT: how come I missed a whole page of answers? got home from work just before, beer content in veins probably too low.
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