This is a proven fact! And hello all!
Melacar Ensign Dec 15, 2015 2 2 25 RSI Handle Melacar Dec 15, 2015 #1 This is a proven fact! And hello all! Reactions: WarrenPeace
Harkuno Sticker King May 14, 2015 893 2,699 2,660 RSI Handle Harkuno Dec 15, 2015 #2 Welcome to TEST! :)
CosmicTrader Space Marshal Officer Donor Oct 30, 2015 6,161 24,017 2,975 RSI Handle CosmicTrader Dec 15, 2015 #3 Welcome to TEST SQUADRON. I better put lots of Fuzz on my Aurora.
Blind Owl Hallucinogenic Owl Donor Nov 27, 2015 20,943 74,102 3,160 RSI Handle BlindOwl Dec 15, 2015 #4 What side of the Aurora do you put the fuzz on? Do fuzzy dice count? Welcome to TEST. If your theory holds true, soon we'll all be fuzzy TESTies. Last edited: Dec 15, 2015 Reactions: MadGammaki
What side of the Aurora do you put the fuzz on? Do fuzzy dice count? Welcome to TEST. If your theory holds true, soon we'll all be fuzzy TESTies.
Melacar Ensign Dec 15, 2015 2 2 25 RSI Handle Melacar Dec 15, 2015 #5 Blind Owl said: What side of the Aurora do you put the fuzz on? Do fuzzy dice count? Welcome to TEST. If you're theory holds true, soon we'll all be fuzzy TESTies. Click to expand... On all sides! the more fuzz the better! Reactions: Blind Owl
Blind Owl said: What side of the Aurora do you put the fuzz on? Do fuzzy dice count? Welcome to TEST. If you're theory holds true, soon we'll all be fuzzy TESTies. Click to expand... On all sides! the more fuzz the better!
WarrenPeace Space Marshal Jul 17, 2014 4,209 8,451 2,920 RSI Handle Shortspark Dec 16, 2015 #7 It's true, when I drink til everything's fuzzy, I notice the crashing a lot less. Welcome to TEST!
Czechmate Admiral Feb 16, 2015 128 69 700 RSI Handle Czechmate8 Dec 16, 2015 #8 I prefer fluff. Much more springy and energy absorbing. (P.S. Welcome)