Galactic Tour’s Combat Ship of the Year: SuperHornet vs. Vanguard Warden

What would TESTies choose?

  • Varden!

    Votes: 22 30.6%
  • Hornet!

    Votes: 24 33.3%
  • You kiddin'? BEER!

    Votes: 26 36.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Mar 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Not voting until I try this out. I have had an F7A for a while (as a loaner) and it has done well. The F7C-M is better in terms of guns carried, but I still need to try it out. I prefer the Saber over the F7A, and maybe the F7C-M but that needs to be tested in Vanduul Swarm and other situations.

My first experience with the Vanguard was trying out a damaged one where I don't think I got the most out of it. The Saber is where I get a lot out of the gimbaled guns (Victory over the Vanduul!) and if I can get similar out of the Vanguard or Hornet that's great. Then I need to try this out, but I suspect the Vanguard may win my vote in that case. In the case of even match, I believe I will have to match the ejection vs. storage and crew ease.
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Space Marshal
Mar 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Warden. it is a heavy fighter with a mean chin gun. Like a 3rd fist coming out of Chuck Norris' beard.
I have used that chain gun and both the fixed guns, and the chain gun, kill quickly. I have flown the Vanguard as of today, but I need to do a better comparison to vote. I do expect the Vanguard may perform well this time. I have a great experience with the hornet, but we're not just launching from carriers or doing short range combat missions. The C in F7C-M is for "often, not always, launches from a Carrier", right?.

I actually had this happen out in the PU just the other day. The fight was about 10 minutes. He just couldn't hit me because he turned too slow. My problem was, I hit him about a million times but it wasn't sustained long enough to knock out the shields. I was running an all energy loadout so he eventually caught me with that M7A. I was running ballistics though, it would have been over in a few minutes.

Now if he had caught me unawares, it would have been over long before it started. I saw him creeping up on me though and never let him put me in the crosshairs. That M7A can assassinate just about anything. A surprise attack from that beast would be deadly.
The F7A is different from the F7C-M. The vote is on F7C-M against Vanguard, and both can be multicrew. I think this is going to be more of a question of "which one is best in Operation Pitchfork" or "which one is best in Operation Yawspoon".
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I have both. I use the SH for dog fighting as that is it's primary role. The Varden, Vanguard Warden, right now is afu. However it'll get it's tune up later and it will (should) fulfill it's role as a long range fighter and escort ship. If they allow changes to the multiple S2 guns on the snout, say two S4's or S3's and allow pilot control of the turret if you are flying solo, then we have some thing closer to the original concept. And I love that S4 gatling gun.
Just my $.02 .

I also think that a comparison of the Varden to the SH is stretching a little as the Varden is suppose to be a long range ship and the SH is a suppose to be a Carrier based short range ship. They both can dog fight, of course. But the Varden is really the better escort ship and the SH will take up less room on a Carrier and there fore will allow more to be brought to a battle.
Again just mho.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
The F7A is different from the F7C-M. The vote is on F7C-M against Vanguard, and both can be multicrew.
I urge you to read the post, particularly the quote attached to the statement you quoted. I was talking about the M7A gun and not the F7A ship. Of course we are talking about the super hornet. That's why we are here. I actually have two super hornets (F7C-M), hence my ability to tell the story and contribute to the thread. Please do not correct people if you haven't actually read what they said...


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
(Note for myself: have to delete Thugari from my contacts list)

What some people are missing, at least it seams to me, that the Warden costs around 250-270 Dollars whereas the SuperHornet could be bought for 100 Dollars less - but being a way better combat vessel imho!

Thus I do not really understand that people are voting for the Warden. Makes no sense at all for me.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
(Note for myself: have to delete Thugari from my contacts list)

What some people are missing, at least it seams to me, that the Warden costs around 250-270 Dollars whereas the SuperHornet could be bought for 100 Dollars less - but being a way better combat vessel imho!

Thus I do not really understand that people are voting for the Warden. Makes no sense at all for me.
I want both.

The Razgriz

Vice Admiral
Jul 24, 2016
RSI Handle
I voted for the Varden only because I already own the SH. My shed is full of hornets and I figure it's time to diversify my assets a bit. I love the Super Hornet and, in my opinion, it's probably one of the best combat fighters available. I just want a Varden because I don't have one yet.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I chose beer as both the vwarden and the hornet are excellent.

The hornet is a great little ship and if you kit it out with no gimbals so 3 x S3 and 1 x S4 that is a hell of a lot of firepower for a small ship.

The vwarden needs a little bit of TLC - but we are starting to see it's potential with the S5 M7a - now imagine a ballistic combine/gatling on the front of that? Bzzzrrrtttttt *death*. I think if you value the tankyness, ability to carry a friend in the turret, and long range'ness of it then it will be a good ship - I for one have my eyes open on in next time it comes up for sale.
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