Gimp's Surprise, Part 4B


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
“Warning, Missile Lock. Warning, Target Lock” the computer barked out, Talia scanned around and could see the Aurora’s turning to bear on her flight path on the HUD.

“Now designating three targets, Alpha, Beta and Charlie” ‘Pablo’ shouted over the intercom.

“Dingo Two, all target’s hostile break and engage on the third Aurora, target Charlie”. She looked to her right and was shocked to see ‘Gomez’s’ Harbinger explode in a bright crimson blue plasma flash as a streak of red and silver flashed through the debris field a half-second later, the undeniable shape of a Glaive Heavy Fighter.

The computer announced “New Target, Glaive Heavy Fighter, Designation Delta. New Target, Scythe Fighter, Designation Echo’”

Her own Harbinger suddenly rocked with heavy ballistic impacts she instinctively shoved the throttle forward, the ship’s massive engines erupting into afterburner, she rolled the Turkey 90 degrees right only to see a Scythe dive through the space the center of her ship had been a fraction of a second before, guns still blazing. Kicking the rudder pedal hard to the right she yawed the ship, locked onto the rapidly fading Scythe and squeezed the primary and secondary triggers on the control stick. The Scythe bucked and shuddered as a combination of energy and ballistic fire shredded its’ shields and tore into its’ spaceframe.

A trail of drive plasma flowed out behind the Scythe as she flicked the missile selector on the throttle and pickled both a heat seeker and self-guided radar missile off the rails. She watched as the Scythe rolled to the left followed by the tell-tale discharge of a chaff ball just as the infrared missile proceeded up the plasma trail and into the right hand engine of the Scythe which tumbled into a rapidly expanding ball of debris. “Target Echo Destroyed” the computer reported.

Turning towards the Aurora’s, Dingo Four Five opened up with the gimbaled weapons under Talia’s aim and ‘Pablo’ fired the turret weapons, two of the Aurora’s exploded almost immediately, so fast that Talia was surprised.

‘Pablo’ barked out over the intercom “New target, designation Foxtrot, gunship maybe coming out of the asteroid file. Break hard left, incoming.” On pure instinct Talia shoved the stick hard left, pulled back and kicked left pedal selecting decoupled mode. With the flight path safeties off the Harbinger swung around wildly just as the Glaive that had hit ‘Gomez’ and ‘Postal’ flashed by again, with its’ ramming blades out barely missing the left wing.

As she selected afterburner to begin pursuit the Harbinger was rocked by a massive explosion as a missile from the remaining Aurora struck the right side engine knocking it out and separating the vertical tail which spun off. Fighting to regain control of the ship Talia swung the nose around to bear on the inbound Aurora and squeezed the triggers. As it exploded she looked around trying to pick up the Glaive knowing it would be coming back. “’Pablo’, where is he?” she asked, there was no reply. “’Pablo’?”

As she glanced down to the ship status display, the center of the hull and right engine pod were marked red and she realized ‘Pablo’ was injured or worse as the ship was rocked again by Heavy War Cannon impacts. All the systems were failing and she lost attitude control. The computer announced “Life Support Failing, Switching to Suit Life Support”.

Her ship slowly drifted around and she could see the Glaive in the distance inbound for a final run. The muzzles flashed and she waited for the eventual impact. There was no response to her control inputs so she reached for the ejection handle. She pulled on the handle and nothing happened. What the fuck she thought.

As she reached down to unstrap from the seat, rounds from the Glaive started landing on her Harbinger. A piece of glasteel from the canopy impacted her shoulder and opened up a small tear in her suit as a large dark shadow drifted into view between the Glaive and her dying ship. She could see spalling and plasma streaks as the Glaive’s fire was absorbed by the dark shape between them.

The shape slowly rotated and she could make out the shape of a Constellation engine cluster and missile racks, suddenly a series of flashes from what looked like the underside of the mystery shape, traces of red and green streaked out from the Connie with at least four missile launch trails from the racks and a moment later she saw the Glaive rock in the distance before it exploded.

Talia Simonova smiled for a moment and closed her eyes. She thought she heard a thump as she slowly lost consciousness.

Please note that this is a work of fan fiction, set in the Star Citizen universe. The marks and properties, 'Star Citizen', 'Squadron 42', 'Cloud Imperium Games', and 'Roberts Space Industries' are property of Cloud Imperium Games Corp. and Roberts Space Industries Corp ("RSI"). All rights in content, including places, characters, concepts, and ships produced and created by RSI relating to said marks and properties belong to RSI.
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Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Is that the end?
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