GPU For Christmas


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
My son is actually sitting down and playing SC with me. I went to the basement and dug out an old 780 ti and it is just not hacking it. I would like to get him another GPU for Christmas but I don't want to throw a ton of money at it... prefer under $300. Any suggestions. I don't care if it is AMD or Nvidia. Anyone have any good ideas?
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Meh, even my old Radeon 6790 did an OK job after you fiddled the settings long enough. It looked semi-potato ofc.

I'm currently using Rx 480, perfectly playable tho I do occasionally get some heavy stuttering and the FPS certainly isn't smooth 60 if that's what you're after. Well, my PC is from 2011 anyhow, so even my lower memory speeds might be part of the issue. I'm upgrading next year.

So I'd say GTX 1660 Ti or maybe RX 5500 (launch Q4 2019, worth checking some comparisons probably)

(The reason my 2 previous GPUs happen to be AMD isn't because I'd be brand loyal, but because 6790 was the better option for my budget and then 480 came out top in bottleneck calculator for my existing hardware. The one I had before those two was GeForce 6200 after all.)
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
+1 for the GTX1660, or if you can find a used 1060 6gb or 1070 for real cheap, then those would make it pretty well playable.

For reference: Running a 1060 with a 8core 4th gen i7 , 16gb ram, 1920x1080 with very high setting but everything else turned off it runs at 40-70+ FPS depending on where I am. It dips into the 20s for moments in places like area18, but that might be other issues.
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