

Feb 24, 2022
RSI Handle
My RSI handle is Gasparo Hawke.

I currently live in Asheville, NC.

I am a huge tabletop nerd and I follow the MCDM; Matt Colville is an avid Star Citizen. I have been watching twitch steamers play for over a year, but have only recently been able to play myself.

I appreciate many aspects of the game, but piloting and dogfighting in such an immersive setting speaks to me the most. I have played a lot of scifi games and flight sims over the years, but none of them delivered on the fantasy of space dogfighting like SC.

Super Mario World for the SNES was the first video game I played at 4 years old.

Presently just Elden Ring as far as electronic media. I used to be a semi-professional DOTA2 player, but have since quit. I play A LOT of DnD these days.

OD told me about the org he is in and I wanted to be a part of it with him. I also liked that you guys have ex-EVE players; I gave EVE a bunch of hours of my life in the past.

Picard or Kirk? Of the two, I'd be a Picard guy, hands down. But if I am being real with you, I am gonna have to say Benjamin Lafayette Sisko FTW.
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