Happy Birthday to the true leader of TEST, NinjaGirl!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Happy birthday to the Long Haired General, Niner Domestic! We appreciate you allowing Montoya to play, and we most certainly appreciate you putting up with this savage band of cretins for so long.
Thank you for your amazing art, and thank you for being so damn awesome.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
@NinjaGirl has put up with me for four years of talking to my internet friends about a game which has not come out yet.

The late nights, busy weekends making videos and trips to LA which I claimed to go to Citizencon to meet said friends...

Thank you for standing by me and helping make TEST Squadron the wonderful organization it has become!

She straightened her hair today and took a selfy, she will be pissed to see me post it here, but she is not the boss of me on this forum!

Love you baby!
Nothing wrong with sharing a great picture of your beautiful wife haha. And happy birthday @NinjaGirl make sure you force your man to buy you 10 8x8 land claims so he can spell your name out on the side of a planet.
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