Hello im lebowski


May 28, 2020
RSI Handle
hey guys my names lebowski,

im a 16 suburban white kid, and i spontaneously invested in star citizen with my birthday money after all my friends pressured me into getting into it.

i know all of you guys have probably never heard of me but im new to test squadron as a whole.

im hoping to meet some of you guys on the discord but for now i joined this forum in order to try to sale my account.

im probably coming off as a dick by the only post other then this being me begging someone to buy my account but im a pretty cool dude if you get to know me.

(if you wanna be carried in mordhau add me on steam, im top 100)


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to the TEST party. It's unfortunate that you want to cut & run on Star Citizen so soon as things have been gradually getting better as the dev's got more of the design tools flushed out & running.

hey guys my names lebowski,

im a 16 suburban white kid, and i spontaneously invested in star citizen with my birthday money after all my friends pressured me into getting into it.

i know all of you guys have probably never heard of me but im new to test squadron as a whole.

im hoping to meet some of you guys on the discord but for now i joined this forum in order to try to sale my account.

im probably coming off as a dick by the only post other then this being me begging someone to buy my account but im a pretty cool dude if you get to know me.

(if you wanna be carried in mordhau add me on steam, im top 100)
1st off, peer pressure sucks, especially when it's from friends & you regret caving in later.

2nd, did your friends sell their accounts as well or just put them on the back burner until the game is better off? After all, when the game does go live, you'll be starting off with a much better ship than just the usual starters most will be starting with.

3rd, you just arrived in the biggest Org in SC & we love to party as well as do wacky things when & where ever possible.

4th, I get the feeling that you're usually rather cool (not a dick), so there's no need to beg. If nobody bites, then I suggest that you simply bite the proverbial bullet & wait until the game is in a better place. Once SC goes live, the Verse will be flooded with people that would wish they could start off in the position that you'd be in. (Yes, I know that I've already made that point more or less, but it's still true none the less.)

5th, while your local friends might have given up on SC for the time being, I'm sure that you'll make tons of friends online around the world. So why limit yourself to local only?

6th, Mordhau looks interesting. I'll add it to my Wishlist to keep track of if that offer to join you in that game still stands. Sounds like you're a badass in it, so I'm sure that your advice in it will be top notch.

welcome to TEST, mate. 🍺

generally we like to wait til people have joined for a couple months before buying from/selling to them
that said, you seem pretty chill
This is correct, as there's a lot of scammers out there unfortunately.
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