Hello There!


Space Marshal
Mar 1, 2015
RSI Handle
TEST Sqwad is Best Sqwad!

Jhonon1 reporting in with my mandatory Aurora and supplementary Orion/Herald.
I look forward to blotting out the Sun with you all.

So, judging by the contents of other posts a couple of you have filtered in from EVE's TEST yeah? Care to tell me how everything is going there? I haven't played in years but I still remember

Needless to say I have my eyes on SpreadSheet Squad...

I'm in the glorious frigid land of PA, and thus have no reason to venture away from the warmth that is my computer (except for my job of course, gotta get those concept sales somehow!)

I first saw Star Citizen way back when its first kickstarter was happening. I had just spent what little money I had on other kickstarter games (Torment:ToN and Project Eternity) and younger me couldn't understand what the pledges would actually be giving me...
But I found it again when the first anniversary sale rolled around. Started reading and watching till I bought me that glorious Aurora LN (still poor). Been happily following it ever since, though my ability to fly around in the DF modules was abysmal. I didn't (and havn't :() put more time in since those initial builds, I've been too busy getting un-poor (hence, the Orion)

I'll admit I'm a bit of a carebear, but the most exciting times I had in EVE were PvP. Be they massive lag-fights or just small ganks it got my blood pounding.
So while I might not actively seek out a dogfight, TEST can count on me to do what I can when its necessary.

Other gaming interests vary wildly, depends on the mood, but the things i enjoy the most are thought provoking and well fleshed out universes. Tha'ts why SC draws me in so well, there are things they are thinking of that won't be implemented for years.

That's all for now folks,
o7 fly safe
Last edited:


May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Actually very few of us are from EVE TEST. We're completely unrelated, but unfortunately just as horrible. I'm not really sure how this happened.

Also, welcome.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST!
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