

Dec 3, 2013
Hello TEST! I'm looking to join your austere (or at least drunken) ranks in Star Citizen.

Where you from stranger?


What drew you to Star Citizen?
Since I played trials in EVE, I've been looking for a more interactive space sim experience to scratch that particular itch. I've been trying to get into the X-series, but it's slow going. Once I heard it didn't have a subscription fee (broke grad student, yo), I'm planning on jumping into it (haven't pledged, but I will when I have some spare scratch).

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Honestly, all kinds of things. Exploring the vast reaches of the galaxy, traveling through space hawking wares (for profitssssss!), and just ambling about as the semicoherent drunken swarm TEST can be as I've seen from playing Planetside 2 (I'm ServoControl on Mattherson).

What was the first game you remember playing?
This is difficult. It's honestly either got to be playing some combination of Mortal Kombat/Mario Kart/Super Mario World with my cousins at a very young age, or playing really old Shareware like Doom, Duke Nukem (2D side scrolling action, yo), MadCats (an old find-your-opponent-in-a-maze-and-kill-them with BattleTech's MadCats), and Raptor. I don't remember which came first.

What other games do you play?
Lots of things: Guild Wars 2, Planetside 2, Shadowrun Returns, Kerbal Space Program, Payday 2 are all most recent, and I've plenty of other things on Steam.

Picard or Kirk?
Picard, yo.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Welcome Hachimaki!

Many of us who played Eve are looking forward to seeing what SC can offer, I hope we are not disappointing!
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