Here's the Crusader Ares


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
I agree attempting to dog fight in them will be a terrible idea. I am also not sure if they will be that effective against large capital ships like the Idris, Javelin and Kraken vs bombers like the Eclipse. Or if it would simply be fare more effective utilizing a Retaliator.
Assuming the Idris has similar shields to the 890 (it actually has more), just the recharge rate is 14224 hp/sec. That means you can have 5 ions pounding at it forever and wouldn't scratch it :O
Not to mention it's shield sits at 1.5M hp. I think when they say Ares are meant for "Capital Ships" they are referring to the Polaris (not Idris).

I agree, for Idris and bigger you probably need to use Retaliator or Polaris.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
If I have time to get in on an organized fleet event I think I would want to pull out something like one of these to do it over something like my super hornet. At the moment I don't know what my dogfight skills are going to look like but lining up shots on a huge capital ship seems like something I can handle lol. The question is which to get (if I don't get both).

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I guess this explains it lol the brochure -

"Designed to lead the charge against capital ships and heavily armed flotillas, the Ares ION excels spearheading a fleet of fighters and support ships. Its purpose-built Behring SF7E laser cannon accurately delivers high power shots to quickly disable the shields of gunships and, with the support of other Ares variants, efficiently incapacitate capital-class vessels"

Like I figured it would take multiple Ares to drop shields on a capital ship and they would have to be supported by other ships to engage them.

"Conceived to singlehandedly disable large vessels and small squadrons, the Ares INFERNO shines as a single point of defense. Whether avoiding wider conflict by preemptively neutralizing threats or scrambling to tackle pirates, the SF7B ballistic Gatling breaks through shields to permanently damage armor and halt advancing forces.
Increased armor all-round ensures the INFERNO can better withstand ballistic attacks from gunships and anti-aircraft guns during planet side assaults.
Though capable alone, the INFERNO is a potent ally to the ION in capital-ship hunting. The high-caliber armor piercing rounds perfectly complement the ION’s shield disabling shots to leave even the biggest ships vulnerable."

It actually details the combined use of both Ares models in tandem to be more effective capital ship hunters which makes sense.

It also states that the ION has more shielding with the extra generator to protect it from lasers and the Inferno has more armor to fair better against ballistic damage. Interesting!
I love the synergy. Dammit, I can only fly one at a time, but I can't decide which. So I'll probably get both. Ugh
Remember when using the Gatling against bigger ships, you are going to keep hitting with most of the rounds. :)

Since it si a short ranged carrier bird, reloading should not be an issue. :)

(And the black is cooler looking. :) )
Yeah . . .but, but . . .
If I have time to get in on an organized fleet event I think I would want to pull out something like one of these to do it over something like my super hornet. At the moment I don't know what my dogfight skills are going to look like but lining up shots on a huge capital ship seems like something I can handle lol. The question is which to get (if I don't get both).
Ha. Me too brother, me too. On all accounts


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Before you get excited, just some data.

Ares S7 Laser repeater would do 2206 DPS with 141.8k missiles damage.
If you slave the turret on a Warden and use fix S5 it would do 2504 DPS with 47.2k missiles damage.
MIS has gimbal 1920 DPS and a turret 598 DPS with 126.8k missiles damage.

So the real advantage here is range and it looks cool. Extra M shield for the ion version.

Edit new missile damage on the Ares
Those alpha damage ratings are not reliable.

Expect x2 or x3 DPS per size increase when the armor is implemented, etc.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Those alpha damage ratings are not reliable.

Expect x2 or x3 DPS per size increase when the armor is implemented, etc.
That would depend on how armor is implemented. The Current Hull HP are a place holder.

So the damage may not change at all.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Still, even an S6 gun in a gimble on any dogfighter, is a true game-changer.

We have to wait and see what the rotation, slip and lateral acceleration stats are on the Ares. I doubt whether they'll give us a gimble, but even without, the Ares is a game-changer.

If it has the range of the Vanguard (and it seems so), it will be a better escort for an attack wing than the Sabre, and it has HUGE f%cking missiles!!!.

Are you aware the current planned dps for the S6 Condemnation Distortion Scattergun is 20k dps? What dogfighter can take a hit from that?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I recon they're gonna make it slow and lethargic.

I.e very hard to hit anything less than a connie.


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Before you get excited, just some data.

Ares S7 Laser repeater would do 2206 DPS with 141.8k missiles damage.
If you slave the turret on a Warden and use fix S5 it would do 2504 DPS with 47.2k missiles damage.
MIS has gimbal 1920 DPS and a turret 598 DPS with 126.8k missiles damage.

So the real advantage here is range and it looks cool. Extra M shield for the ion version.

Edit new missile damage on the Ares
Armor type is debatable too.

Ares inferno has better armor than ion. An impact with asteroids or colisions against other vessels (f.e. Glaive ram attacks), and the resultant structural integrity could be an issue more related with armor type than shield number.

If you lose the main cannon wing in the ares ion you are defenceless at all. If ares inferno heavy armor grants better structural integrity against collisions you'll feel safer fighting in.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
If you lose the main cannon wing in the ares ion you are defenceless at all.
I agree. But of course that's the intended nature of the ship. The Ares exists so that we can ride an enormous gun into battle. The gun is the ship. The mission being to deliver that gun to its target. Lose the gun, lose the ship. Survivability is secondary. As a result, I doubt it will be an effective solo ship. But it sure will be a formidable fleet heavy fighter when used in attack wings.


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I agree. But of course that's the intended nature of the ship. The Ares exists so that we can ride an enormous gun into battle. The gun is the ship. The mission being to deliver that gun to its target. Lose the gun, lose the ship. Survivability is secondary. As a result, I doubt it will be an effective solo ship. But it sure will be a formidable fleet heavy fighter when used in attack wings.
I'm trying to focus on the differences between Ares inferno and Ares ion. Ares inferno isn't a solo dogfighter but could perform interceptor roles as medium fighter. Ares Ion seems more like a light siege vessel, oriented to dismantle heavy shields from a safe distance and more vulnerable than inferno in close combat due its medium armor, even with an extra medium shield.

Everybody here are thinking about which Ares is the best choice.

For daily & solo combat obviously inferno. For piracy assaults or large organizations space battle Ion could be more productive.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle

'nuff said.
Well... It might sound a little different than some expect... This is what CIG responded:
Q: Can you make the Inferno go “BRRRRRRRRRRRRT!” please?

A: We’ll do our best, however, the RPM of the Inferno is less than an A10’s main gun, so it will feature a unique sound to Star Citizen.


EDIT: In fact it might go bzzzzzzzz, like an electric toothbrush really bad fart, but with a more boomy sound near where the rounds stop. Here's a highly satisfying "rendition"
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
^^^ Both of those are facking scary.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Well I just applied my ares inferno upgrade.

Time to try out the hurricane!
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