Hey there!


Dec 9, 2021
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?

The Great White Rainy North, Land of Maple, Monopoly Money: The Country; Canada

What drew you to Star Citizen?

I'd been following the only other game to even potentially compete with Star Citizen since 2006, Infinity: The Quest for Earth, with a corp I joined for the wait, until my buddy and I saw the call go out in 2012 for Star Citizen, and well, here we are, golden ticket and all. Absolutely the game that I've been wanting out of the SF genre for ages, and a good replacement for I:TQFE (Which lives on, albeit in a sad shell of its former dream, as Infinity: Battlescape as TQFE went on indefinite hiatus as of 2013)

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)

Exploration, as well as combat that isn't done at a distance of three decimeters and, of course, SHIP INTERIORS. (Even the current Starfarer's, may it be lampooned forever)
Also stuffing as many bodies in clown cars like the MPUV and Aurora

What was the first game you remember playing?

Age of Empires. Been playing that shit since it came out, back when I could hardly walk. Still have original disks for it, too! (Not the oldest game I own however, which goes to Myst, which I still have an unopened copy of with the price sticker still on it, proving that brand new games even back in the early 90s were still bloody 60 bucks)

What other games do you play?

Warframe, Synthetik, Farming Sim, Barotrauma, ΔV: Rings of Saturn, Satisfactory (and other logistics games), Dyson Sphere Program, other than that primarily strategy games- mostly (4X)RTS, but a few TBS like Endless Space
(I would like to get into FS2020 and DCS, however)

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

Not necessarily Test Squadron but a friend of mine used to be an avid EVE player, and had a brief stint in TEST Fleet I think. As for TS, every other time I click on a star citizen link when I google something I get directed here! 😆

Picard or Kirk?
Picard, if mostly because I've only ever seen Trek the odd time my dad watched it when I was younger (and because of Patrick Stewart's voice, runner-up for if I can't get Jared Huckaby to yodel me to sleep)
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