Hi Testies!


Jun 9, 2020
RSI Handle
My name is BuzZz_Killer, my RSI handle is BuzZz_Killer, My reddit handle is BuzZz_Killer, my Steam name is BuzZz Killer, My YouTube channel is BuzZz Killer.... I think you get the picture. Most people call me BuzZz, or the Dual Joystick guy.

Where you from stranger?
I'm from the US. As a military brat and retired US Army Soldier, I've lived all over the place. If I had to claim one State it would be Texas, as that's where I spent the majority of my formative years. Currently I live in the dessert of California. Not entirely by choice...

What drew you to Star Citizen?
Back in 2014 I saw an article in Ars Technica about a new Chris Roberts game. Being a fan of Wing Commander, I jumped in with both feet. Before we even had Arena commander I'd already amassed a small fleet.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
A little of everything, but mostly Exploration and PvE combat. I'm not as spry as I used to be and PvP can be a bit rough on the old reflexes. Maybe when we get some combat improvements I'll look into PvP bounty hunting again.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Easy, it was a PacMan arcade machine, table top version. I didn't know what the hell I was doing and my quarter lasted me approximately .42 minutes. I didn't realize you had to eat the power pellets before going after the ghosts.

What other games do you play?
Currently I'm playing Star Citizen, Sea of Thieves, a little Elite Dangerous, and Space Engineers. I also dabble in flight sims and VR games from time to time.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron...

How could I not hear about Test? I'm pretty sure It's been a part of Star Citizen since the arrival of the great Lamp.

...and what convinced you to join?
I think I spelled this out in my application, LOL! But here's the gist of it:
1. Obviously I like the color scheme.
2. I'm anti-social and my shrink says I need to interact with more people.
3. I can smell a drop of Honey Wheat Ale from a mile away.
4. ...I forgot already. But I'm sure it was something witty.

Picard or Kirk?
Kirk...Old Kirk. Picard was a brilliant tactician, but no one could woo scantily clad alien hotties like Kirk. Also he has the best war face....KHAAAAAAAAAN!!!!


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Thanks for the warm welcome! Glad you enjoy my profiles. Always like to hear it when people take them and make them their own. Hope to meet you in-game soon!
Yup! I kinda tweaked mine a bit and added a set of pedals for 'roll'.

Yeah see ya in-game! Also do sign up for the Discord and Guilded servers. There's always Testies hanging out in there. We're a multi-game Org so there's always folks playing other games like Elder Scrolls Online, Escape from Tarkov, WOW, etc. Since SC is forever in development (lol) I think multi-gaming on other games and just hanging out is essential to keep the Org together. Otherwise folks are just gonna lose interest. Oh and the Org events are almost always held on Weekends so those are always a blast.



May 14, 2020
RSI Handle
Thanks for the warm welcome! Glad you enjoy my profiles. Always like to hear it when people take them and make them their own. Hope to meet you in-game soon!
Whoa. This is the BUZZKILLER?

Thanks for the profiles, man. Really helped me get started making my own, as I could base them off of something someone already found to be intuitive.

Welcome, and the honey wheat is over there ------->
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