Hi! (Um, again)


Space Marshal
Jul 15, 2018
RSI Handle
Ok so I got bored "landing" a Syulen all yesterday. I think my best moment was the 4 minutes trying to get out of the hangar at NBIS. There was a freelancer 50 feet outside, hovering, watching it all.

We both knew what was up: He didn't have a landing marker and saw an open door. I couldn't get out until my brain wrapped itself around flipping the controls 90 degrees. We didn't say anything, but there was that quiet connection of mutual understanding. Anyway, the subway ride back to NBIS to start my morning today didn't sound fun so I thought: "Hmm, I bet TEST has already found a way to crash this thing with more style than me. I should go look". So I came here, and you know, "signed in with my account for a change" and found: TROPHIES! TROPHIES GALORE!!!

Like check it introduce-yourself noobs, you know that PARTICIPATION trophy you got in 1st grade because your parents signed you up for basketball and drove you there against your will every Saturday? These are better! THESE ARE ***NON-PARTICIPATION*** TROPHIES! You can't get any better than that.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 094732.png

Five years ago I said hi, right here. I think it was mostly a suggestive personals ad to find a new life partner to share the hacker's life inside the server closet-like Drake Herald. I haven't posted since then. That's my degree of personal commitment. Sadly, the ship is no more. I've moved on to bigger ships. Better ships, that don't put the potty next to the PC workstation. One time, a few years ago, I did message Montoya to beg that he take a $60 BMM upgrade CCU away so I could stop thinking about it. I felt the leader should have first crack at at $350 shiny gold headquarters. I regret nothing.

Hopefully it doesn't flip the controls 90 degrees to land. Freelancers Are Watching.

TL;DR: I'm saying hi again. I haven't met any of you.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome back & congrats on the surprise trophies! We crash ships? I always thought that was simply us being creative in how we TEST Land various vehicles in unique ways. LoL
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Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Welcome back.
And just so you know, i blew up my Syulen an hour ago as i tried to lift off. I got it off the ground, accidentially sat it back down on the pad, (landing complete) got it airbourne again and THEN got crushed by the closing gates.
On the positive side, armor and equiqpment were waiting in the hospital. Next to the white uniform of ineptitude. :like:
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome back.
And just so you know, i blew up my Syulen an hour ago as i tried to lift off. I got it off the ground, accidentially sat it back down on the pad, (landing complete) got it airbourne again and THEN got crushed by the closing gates.
On the positive side, armor and equiqpment were waiting in the hospital. Next to the white uniform of ineptitude. :like:
TEST Flight ... successful, even if brief. Cheers!
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