How long before Idris is released to owners?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I wish you would be wrong too but give 3.0 was released back in Dec 2017 which was a long time from 2.0 of Dec 2015 I'd say the plot looks to be a forgone conclusion that sq42 is still years off like 4.0


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I still say we see some solid SQ42 info this Citizencon, like a defined target date.
Given what we've been told by CIG during this last CitizenCon, I believe that you'll be getting some sort of info on that this next CitizenCon. I can't imagine them not having a better idea of when SQ42 will be expected after having a full year of time for polishing to not at least have a fairly secure release date for it since all of the features were announced as completed this last time.

This being said, with the leaving of all these top people in the company, anything is possible.


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
If I happen to be correct, I won't be as happy as if I was wrong with us getting things earlier, but I also will be more happy than things taking longer to receive.

Now if you want something crazy to ponder, about 90% of the time I make a smartass comment that shouldn't happen, it does. The odds drop when it's something I want & shoot through the roof if it's something I really don't want to happen. My best explanation for this is that God, in his twisted sense of humor, seems to enjoy my randomly saying seemingly impossible things enough to make them happen periodically so that nothing makes sense. Someday, I'll be old & wise enough to stop making smartass remarks, though that might be my last day on this rock because knowing myself, I might just make a smartass remark with my last breath as a final joke.
So it sounds you really should not want to win the lottery then. Go on.. go ahead and don't want to tell me those powerball numbers 😁


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So it sounds you really should not want to win the lottery then. Go on.. go ahead and don't want to tell me those powerball numbers 😁
If only it worked that well. Though, while I've never wanted to be crippled to the point of not being able to function, in 2009 I became ill that caused me to become disabled to the point that I can't work. Thankfully, the death spiral my health has been going through has been leveled off & I'm hoping that through time & efforts, I'll gradually be able to someday work at least part time somewhere.


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
If only it worked that well. Though, while I've never wanted to be crippled to the point of not being able to function, in 2009 I became ill that caused me to become disabled to the point that I can't work. Thankfully, the death spiral my health has been going through has been leveled off & I'm hoping that through time & efforts, I'll gradually be able to someday work at least part time somewhere.
I'm sorry to hear that buddy. I kinda know how you feel. I have a back injury that makes some days a non starter so work is not easy.

Hopefully you do get enough function back to be able to get back out there. But until then, you have extra time to be soloing the entire verse. Just leave some for the rest of us huh killer :glorious::o7:


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I still say we see some solid SQ42 info this Citizencon, like a defined target date.
Always the optimist. It's why we love ya so.

Then again the prediction of hearing something major about sq42 did pan out with them announcing its feature complete I'm not entirely sure that means they have any sort of firm timeline on when all of the features will be finalized. But it's something to say we know what we want in the game.

One thing that is nice to see is the content that is finally spilling over from the work on sq42 reaching the persistent universe. It's been years since I last logged in and I'm thinking with this latest patch I might be inclined to download it.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Still no details about life support, bunk sharing, etc. I can’t imagine players choosing to field these with 2-3 Gladius when they could put 3 Eclipse and 30 Furys aboard. Fury’s and Arrows make so much better sense when dealing with such limited deck space.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Still no details about life support, bunk sharing, etc. I can’t imagine players choosing to field these with 2-3 Gladius when they could put 3 Eclipse and 30 Furys aboard. Fury’s and Arrows make so much better sense when dealing with such limited deck space.
While I'm sure they will fit in also sure they will make it so that it has risk of the ships being damaged ie like cargo grids


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
While I'm sure they will fit in also sure they will make it so that it has risk of the ships being damaged ie like cargo grids
I read/heard someplace that unless the ship is parked on one of the 3 grids in the launch bay it will either not result in qt, or will be utter carnage as ships outside of the grid will be bouncing off the walls.

Daak Gelrin

Space Marshal
Feb 17, 2020
RSI Handle
I read/heard someplace that unless the ship is parked on one of the 3 grids in the launch bay it will either not result in qt, or will be utter carnage as ships outside of the grid will be bouncing off the walls.
Not sure which way they'll go. I think I remember reading that the ships have to be parked on a grid, or there's a risk that they'll drift off like cargo is supposed to. Then again, we see lots of things in CIG videos that are not locked on a grid, yet don't fly around the hangar bay. Things like the crates, cargo forklifts, refuel lines and whatnot. Granted, you gotta give CIG some creative license when they make a cinematic, but that's exactly what I want to see in my hangar bays. Stuff laying around like tool boxes and spare components/weapons makes a cool maintenance hangar scene.

Anyway, one could get quiet a few furies and similar small ships locked on a grid, unless they limit each grid to just one ship. That would suck though, and I hope they don't do that.

Yikes, I'm behind on my consumption, back to work.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
While I'm sure they will fit in also sure they will make it so that it has risk of the ships being damaged ie like cargo grids
Then perhaps pair an Idris with an M2 with its cargo grid filled with Furies? Let the Idris refuel & rearm the Furies as they run out of missiles to keep a swarm in the local fight.


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Then perhaps pair an Idris with an M2 with its cargo grid filled with Furies? Let the Idris refuel & rearm the Furies as they run out of missiles to keep a swarm in the local fight.
It's going to be absolutely incredible what the players will bring to the game.

They will all post up battles and invite other orgs with plenty of notice for all to free up their day to get as many ships involved as possible purely to just see what happens.

Of course the rest of them are all fighting for second place :o7:
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
It's going to be absolutely incredible what the players will bring to the game.

They will all post up battles and invite other orgs with plenty of notice for all to free up their day to get as many ships involved as possible purely to just too what happens.

Of course the rest of them are all fighting for second place :o7:
While this is true, after the fighting is done, the true battle can begin ... BEERFEST!!! LoL
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