Choice 1: Keep 1 Reliant and 1 Hull B
Choice 2: Melt Hull-B + $10, and buy two more Reliants (for variant upgrades, acknowledging possible unannounced variants, too)
Anticipating my playstyle to be 80% industry 20% exploration / combat. Zero% trading: only bought Hull-B to make moving product myself easier.
Planning to grab an Endeavor during concept (for industry and combat support).
Choice 2: Melt Hull-B + $10, and buy two more Reliants (for variant upgrades, acknowledging possible unannounced variants, too)
Anticipating my playstyle to be 80% industry 20% exploration / combat. Zero% trading: only bought Hull-B to make moving product myself easier.
Planning to grab an Endeavor during concept (for industry and combat support).