I say the Banu Merchantman is going to be +$1000 when it is flight ready


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
there are a lot of loops with legality technically they don't owe us anything since this is a crowd funded project.
Well, it probably varies by jurisdiction, but if you're paying sales tax or VAT on it, it's likely considered to be a business activity in the legal sense.
As such, I wouldn't be quite so quick to dismiss them having any obligations to deliver.
And there certainly exists a difference between donations that are freely given, and donations given on the condition of receiving something in return.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, it probably varies by jurisdiction, but if you're paying sales tax or VAT on it, it's likely considered to be a business activity in the legal sense.
As such, I wouldn't be quite so quick to dismiss them having any obligations to deliver.
And there certainly exists a difference between donations that are freely given, and donations given on the condition of receiving something in return.
Yeah it is very complicated im sure there is a video out there explaining about crowdfunding. the bigger question is with as much money that was crowdfunded is it considered a business yet or is it still a crowd funded project. then you start getting into International law.
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Space Marshal
Jun 27, 2019
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Oh, the Sanctuary is probably like a Sauna with a Jacuzzi inside of it, so, $1200 easy.

While I do have Endeavor CCU and I wouldn't mind seeing it go Bengal sized with $1500 price... uhm, well, simply put I don't think that'll happen. It might grow to the size of a Hull E (370m), sure, maybe. But it's not going to be 1km long. It's currently 200m, and that might be bit short if you consider one third of the 2nd stage of the ship should be the size of a hangar module with "room for multiple Cutlass Red's." Like based on that, yes, it'll grow in size. A lot. But I'm thinking more like, +50% or +100%. Not +400%.
We won't know until they re-concept the design, but I am guessing 400m minimum unless they go vertical with the design.
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Ryonin Shonin

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I think the BMM just became one of my top choices for a piracy ship... The price will climb, incrementaly. I can see it getting to $1000. Other ships like the Carrack and Polaris will rise also, possibly exceeding the price of the BMM. The Endeavor I can see the Master set selling for $2000. I have a feeling CIG might start to raise ship prices in larger numbers of ships to make room for different price points. I don't think they like to shock people with big jumps.
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Space Marshal
Jun 27, 2019
RSI Handle
I think the BMM just became one of my top choices for a piracy ship... The price will climb, incrementaly. I can see it getting to $1000. Other ships like the Carrack and Polaris will rise also, possibly exceeding the price of the BMM. The Endeavor I can see the Master set selling for $2000. I have a feeling CIG might start to raise ship prices in larger numbers of ships to make room for different price points. I don't think they like to shock people with big jumps.
Their track record so far though. The BMM and the Endeavor are the oldest most forgotten ships other than the starfarer, so it will be interesting to see what happens.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmm... Fun fact, there's holo viewer for Endeavor and Crucible, if you guys wanna interact with the models. Not one for BMM 'fraid.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xevnHIcbtwE
a little wild into the theory crafting at the end but a good watch.
Very insightful video. A few things that they didn't mention are potentially trivial, but still quite nice food for thought in my opinion.

This ship, like all alien ships are initially designed for the alien species that created it. Thus this Banu ship is designed to work best for the Banu, that happen to average around 9ft tall. In many of the images, the ceilings are almost double their height, so instead of the standard 9ft-10ft ceilings that we have within human homes, these are most likely about 15ft - 20ft high per deck. Which is why when shown with a human character inside, they seem like 2 stories tall.

As the Banu are well known for incorporating the best technology that they can find into their ships, there is a decent chance that the BMM can have a Tier 1 med bay because when the Apollo was originally concepted, CIG stated that in each of its medical rooms, you'd be able to configure the room to hold either 3 tier 3, 2 tier 2 or 1 tier 1 medical bed station. I'm also rather sure that the med unit on the Endeavors will also be able to have those included if the investment into those upgrades are made.

When they were discussing the weapons section in the front, above the twin S8 cannons, those items that seemed to be lined up looked as though they could potentially be the internal workings of either a massive rail cannon or if you look at some of the recent weapons briefly shown by SC, they might be the internal components of the electric / lightning cannons. Here's a truly terrifying thought for those in cap ships, what if those are S10+ distortion cannon? 1 shot would drop the cap shields & quite possibly shut down the majority of the ship until it's fully rebooted. Which would definitely be a way for the BMM to break through blockades.

On a side note that makes me lol a bit, when I see the mages where the character is near any of the massive containers, I think about how an increasing amount of people are looking into downsizing their living quarters, like with tiny homes, but some have been transforming the trailer boxes used by semi trucks as shells that they turn into functional homes. These crates look to be about the same size, so there's a chance that these could be used to transport make shift emergency HAB's to start settlements in places where the environment would allow until the permanent structures have been delivered & set up.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Indeed, a great BMM video, but one that also highlights how much speculation remains about this ship.

Watching the video, it struck me that CIG, at Citizencon, had a chance to back off on the 'too good to be true' hyper-concept for this ship. Instead, they doubled down on it, and then some.

With CIG now really setting themselves up for even higher expectations for this ship, it will be interesting to see what progress is now actually made.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Indeed, a great BMM video, but one that also highlights how much speculation remains about this ship.

Watching the video, it struck me that CIG, at Citizencon, had a chance to back off on the 'too good to be true' hyper-concept for this ship. Instead, they doubled down on it, and then some.

With CIG now really setting themselves up for even higher expectations for this ship, it will be interesting to see what progress is now actually made.
While I'm really looking forward to the BMM being completed, if they want to take their time to perfect it as much as possible now that we have a solid idea of where they're going with it, I fully support that because then it will turn out as incredible as possible.


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
I'd be really supprise if it goes over $700. It probably has a $50 jump on the anniversary. Then $100 jump on flight ready.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'd be really supprise if it goes over $700. It probably has a $50 jump on the anniversary. Then $100 jump on flight ready.
After what they've shown during CitizenCon this year, I wouldn't be surprised if the BMM doesn't get a price bump up from $500 - $600 for the IAE, then either another $50 bump during next Alien week, unless it'll be flight ready, at which point it would be jumping to at least $750. However, that doesn't mean that its price won't keep climbing as time passes. There's a lot of time between now & official launch of SC.
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