I think E:D is gonna be better than SC


Feb 5, 2014
RSI Handle
I think the sheer amount of funding that SC has is actually a hinderance to the developers at this point. I look at what ED has done over admittedly more time, but with substantially less funding, and I can't help but lose some faith in SC. I am aware that they are fundamentally different games. ED is a space exploration game that includes the whole universe. Tons and tons of empty space with absolutely nothing in it (or is it nothing?!). It's star trek. You go exploring into the unknown and see what you find. A procedurally generated universe, billions upon billions of stars and systems. Plus there's some combat, trading, piracy and the like. That's EVE'ish but with a real first person component instead of spreadsheets in space.

SC on the other hand is star wars, a much smaller player space (I would think still fairly large, though we honestly have no idea at this point) but a much more concentrated one. It looks fine so far, graphically speaking, but I haven't seen anything that's WOWed me so far. The concept has a wow factor, certainly, I mean I bought an aurora, so I believe in it, but we have yet to see actual examples of how it will be ground breaking.

We shall see.


The Shadow Broker
Feb 10, 2014
RSI Handle

As I have said I am a firm believer of the wait and see approach. Both games have merit, one has game play out but it is way too early in my opinion to judge either. When solid enough game play for both is out to actually make a legitimate comparison then I may change my opinion.

DFM coming in 2016 calling it now!!


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Elite: Dangerous started development way early. Star Citizen started hard development in the last two years. ED has had the benefit of being out of the gates early.

We'll see where the cards fall.
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Jan 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Any thoughts on the amount of funding being a hinderance to the developers due to community pressure?
Funding as in too little or too much? If its the lack of funding, I'm sure with a well developed DFM release and a ship sale (similar to Steam) should pick up some activity.
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Nov 26, 2013
RSI Handle
I think the delays are getting to people more than anything else. Here's the thing: Chris Roberts can't meet a deadline to save his life. Almost every game he's made has gone over schedule, and if you backed SC thinking that the dates we were given were anything other than Valve Time (tm), you were delusional.

On the other hand, he hasn't ever really released a *bad* game, either. Sure, Freelancer wasn't what he promised it would be, but it was enjoyable on its own merits. Plus, the crowdfunded model and MMO-style setting gives CR and CIG the ability to release gradually and fill in gaps where things didn't come together as planned, meaning that even if they fall as short on their promises as they did with Freelancer, they can continue building on that core rather than just leaving it to rot.

Honestly, I think the biggest risk is that with no publisher riding herd on CIG, the delays will drag out longer than they ought to, but I still think that the end result will be worth the wait. Besides, if Elite turns out better, than so what? I can play that instead.


May 10, 2014
RSI Handle
ED is pretty cool, enjoying very much so far. Combat is excellent, and support for OR is amazing.
check the specs of ED and it's pretty close to SC. multi-player ships: check. being able to walk around your ship: check. procedurally generated systems and planets: check. etc etc The ships aren't cool as in SC but at least they are already flying in several systems :)
The "problem" with SC, it takes huge amount of time to make one ship fully working, and the level of details in general is going very high. it is going to be amazing but we'll have to wait at least couple of years for a beta of PU, probably more.
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Feb 5, 2014
RSI Handle
Funding as in too little or too much? If its the lack of funding, I'm sure with a well developed DFM release and a ship sale (similar to Steam) should pick up some activity.
Too much funding putting undue pressure on the developers. At this point, it's the same budget as a major studio title. Don't get me wrong, it's a fascinating thing to see and be a apart of, it is unprecedented.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Hopefully, this new producer will ride Chris Roberts ass to keep things on track as much as possible.

CR is a perfectionist, and while a superb "idea man", you need to have someone there to balance it out with someone who is pragmatic and grounded enough to say that it's good enough.

Macabre Poetry

Official Signature Generator Bot
Apr 24, 2014
RSI Handle
I think CR just needs to be more realistic with his time communication. I am fine with waiting as long as the quality is reflective of it, but if he keeps hyping me up only to delay me, I may start growing gray hair.


Space Marshal
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle
once the dogfighting module is out, i believe the other modules will come stack up on eachother pretty fast, since it's all modules are being done in different studios.

arenacommander is actually the baseline for the gamecode, where most of the stuff is built upon...

by the time we hit the end of the year, star citizen will have surpassed elite dangerous by a large margin :)
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Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Sorry, I watch ED streamers and all i see is soulless space with some ok fighting. Boring ship design, menus to interact with everything. I see cons such as bloated budget and ship detail and cant disagree more. I an HAPPY to have so much work put into every asset. Sounds like some people need to have some patience, these things take time.

P.S. I dont even know how you can compare a game in Beta to a game in partial pre alpha.
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Grimm Jester

Jun 1, 2014
RSI Handle
I really don't see this compulsive need that humans have to compare one thing or the other to determine what's better when they are still rather remote from each other.
ED is in Beta, sure. It has more gameplay out and more that the public can swoon over currently, but that doesn't really mean that it's what the final product is going to be like. From what I've seen of ED it's main focus is rather different from that of SC though.
SC is, as previously stated, in pre alpha, it's got a whole heap of way left before it gets to where it wants to be, and to be fair I'm fairly glad that they arn't really rushing things with what they are doing.
All in all I don't think there's going to be better or worse I think that ultimatly it's going to be about what you're looking for in the game rather than how the games stack up to each other.

TL;DR: The whole topic is just a matter of people flaunting opinnions.


Vice Admiral
Jan 26, 2014
RSI Handle
I have been playing ED. It's a lot of fun, very gorgeous, and has huge potential. But, Even with the hangar module, it's obvious SC pays much more attention to detail. The ship design is no contest (to SC's favor), and it has a first person component. SC is a much larger project (in terms of scope, not in physical universe size), so it's hard to compare the two. Good time to be a space sim fanatic i guess...
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Space Marshal
May 11, 2014
RSI Handle
Elite TEST pilot checking in. From what I've seen, both games' design sound similar but there are differences.

To me, it sounds like Elite will focus less on dog fighting and more on trade. First person perspective also sounds like less of a priority to them. I saw they are doing some hard-core work on ship-to-ship communication that sounds interesting. Organizations/guilds/corporations sound like they won't be as formal as in SC. There might be other things too, but that's what I've picked up so far.

Here's what Elite is up to http://forums.frontier.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=36

I think both games have merits, though which is why I have both. I'm super pumped for SC and I'm having fun shuttling around beer while trying to avoid pirates. It'll be fun to see how both games shape up as time goes on and see how or if they differentiate themselves.
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