If you are going to do it, do it in style.


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Okay, I got a confession to make. I am a "Clothes Horse". For those not in a know, a Clothes Horse was what you used to hang clothes on to allow them to dry indoors after washing them. It was the precursor to the clothes dryer, and also means a person that buys alot of clothes, but I digress.

In my case, it is mostly armor, but I did get a few other items...Trenchcoats and some Tee shirts.

Just curious if I am the lone stand out here.

Though you gotta admit, Grim Hex has some badass looking armor.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Okay, I got a confession to make. I am a "Clothes Horse". For those not in a know, a Clothes Horse was what you used to hang clothes on to allow them to dry indoors after washing them. It was the precursor to the clothes dryer, and also means a person that buys alot of clothes, but I digress.

In my case, it is mostly armor, but I did get a few other items...Trenchcoats and some Tee shirts.

Just curious if I am the lone stand out here.

Though you gotta admit, Grim Hex has some badass looking armor.
Agreed. I just had to get that dessert nomad look armour and the rail gun.

I agree that Grim Hex does have some of the best looking sets of armor in the game so far.
Yup. I might just get the full on pirate heavy set. looks badass except for the helmet. But mix and match is more my style.

Grim Hex also has some terrific clothes.
The 'stuff' at Casaba really sucks.........
Casaba will soon be out of business with the decrease in sales I'm sure it's been suffering with the new release.

Buy clothes to make yourself look like an NPC. Then go mess with people!
Hey now there's an idea worth exploring.

I would SO love to find a TEST tee shirt! Of course the blowback would be unreal, but it would be cool.
Hmm. Maybe our Master of Hamsters could engineer a hack?


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Grim Hex also has some terrific clothes.
The 'stuff' at Casaba really sucks.........
Why must "terrific" and "terrible" be antonyms? Whenever someone writes "terrific" I read it as "terrible" and then get confused.

Buy clothes to make yourself look like an NPC. Then go mess with people!
Yeah, let's wait a couple of weeks for when they release the hotfix to fix a large quantity of bugs, then have everyone take turns pretending to be an NPC at PO just walking against the window, until enough people report it to issue council.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I would SO love to find a TEST tee shirt! Of course the blowback would be unreal, but it would be cool.
Y'know, I've been thinking. If we just make a good quality TEST tee shirt asset and give all the rights to it to CIG... What would the reason NOT TO include it in game? I mean, that's literally free work right there to provide more content for the game and incentivize other large orgs to do the same. Then boom, it's not just crowd funded, but crowd developed as well.

For that to work, the asset needs to be of highest quality, compatible with current assets and we'd need to have someone pretty high up in the CIG hierarchy take notice. But we're TEST, surely we can pull that off?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Buy clothes to make yourself look like an NPC. Then go mess with people!
I can imagine a string of classic pranks that can come from this idea.
Yeah, let's wait a couple of weeks for when they release the hotfix to fix a large quantity of bugs, then have everyone take turns pretending to be an NPC at PO just walking against the window, until enough people report it to issue council.
Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of us dressed as NPCs either mimicking an NPC sitting on a bench beside us or at a bar handling our drinks without actually drinking them. When another player comes up & comments that there must be a bug with us we actually take the drink or give them a rude gesture. Which should startle the hell out of them.


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Y'know, I've been thinking. If we just make a good quality TEST tee shirt asset and give all the rights to it to CIG... What would the reason NOT TO include it in game? I mean, that's literally free work right there to provide more content for the game and incentivize other large orgs to do the same. Then boom, it's not just crowd funded, but crowd developed as well.

For that to work, the asset needs to be of highest quality, compatible with current assets and we'd need to have someone pretty high up in the CIG hierarchy take notice. But we're TEST, surely we can pull that off?
Printimus does some good work that I have seen here. I mean the word "Print" is in their name!
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