For those who have not seen it yet, CIG has posted an upcoming Invictus Launch Week FAQ message (including timing for limited stock ship sales) at the following link:
Key points from their post for ship buyers:
Stock-limited ship sales days are:
ILW Day 1 & 2 - May 17 & 18: RSI Constellation Phoenix
ILW Day 5 & 6 - May 21 & 22: Aegis Idris-P, Aegis Javelin
ILW Day 9 & 10 - May 25 & 26: Drake Kraken, Drake Kraken Privateer
Three stock-limited sales waves per day are planned:
Wave 1: 16:00 UTC (9 AM Pacific)
Wave 2: 00:00 UTC (5 PM Pacific)
Wave 3: 08:00 UTC (1 AM Pacific)

Invictus Launch Week 2954 FAQ - Star Citizen Spectrum
Invictus Launch Week is almost upon us, and to help everyone get the most from the event, we want to answer a few common questions. Read on for everything you need to know about Invictus, including...

Key points from their post for ship buyers:
Stock-limited ship sales days are:
ILW Day 1 & 2 - May 17 & 18: RSI Constellation Phoenix
ILW Day 5 & 6 - May 21 & 22: Aegis Idris-P, Aegis Javelin
ILW Day 9 & 10 - May 25 & 26: Drake Kraken, Drake Kraken Privateer
Three stock-limited sales waves per day are planned:
Wave 1: 16:00 UTC (9 AM Pacific)
Wave 2: 00:00 UTC (5 PM Pacific)
Wave 3: 08:00 UTC (1 AM Pacific)
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