I'm bad at this...


Rear Admiral
Dec 11, 2015
RSI Handle
...so let's get it over with.

Hey there TESTies.

I'm a calm and down to earth person that just recently entered the 30s...at least it feels that way. I'm a child at heart, I love scifi, space, tactical shooters and flight games, that's why I really do love Star Citizen.
I'm from germany and my english may be a bit rusty and zee german accent is strong in me.

At the moment it's really hard to say what I want to do in Star Citizen.
I guess I just want to see the universe, exploring doesn't sound that bad. But I often tend to fill the role that is "needed". If the PU is swarming with pirates I surely will be security, if the security is everywhere I would like to be a rebell and so on.
I surely will love infantry combat, but as someone who often plays ArmA, for me that is not about having a good K/D ratio. It's more about playing immersive and getting through the job without "losing men".
I would love to have a certain amount of roleplay, but not in every playsession, sometimes you just have to do some stupid things. That's why drunk squad sounds really good to me.

I hope to get some friends over here to join TEST, but they are kind of lazy with registering in forums and such.

(Didn't see the questions I was supposed to answer)EDIT:

Where you from stranger?
Germany, near Karlsruhe

What drew you to Star Citizen?
see above

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
see above

What was the first game you remember playing?
Uhh...that's hard. I think I don't remember the names of the first games I played. First one I know the name of was Commander Keen.

What other games do you play?
At the moment mostly: ArmA3, Elite:Dangerous, Wargame, Total War, Fallout 4

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

You guys are everywhere. I really don't know. Reading through your org site the second time made clear I'm somehow in love with the whole TEST idea.

Picard all the way, Kirk is to silly. Have ever seen James fighting?

See you in the verse.

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Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
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Welcome to TEST!
Is your Cutlass "RED", Mr. ParaMedic?


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
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Welcome to TEST!
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