I'm Doc Shaftoe, and I brought beer.

Doc Shaftoe

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm from a little place in Southern California with more green stuff than concrete stuff, which is nice. Currently I'm doing stuff out in the vast wonderland that is the desert-y tip of western Texas.

Star Citizen is probably my dream game. I remember way back in 2012 a friend of mine mentioned this crazy space game called Star Citizen. I remember checking the old RSI website out and doing a little digging. I can't lie though, I was 100% sold after I watched the original pledge video Chris Roberts made way back when.

Frankly the thing that makes Star Citizen so appealing to me is the exploration side of things. To the extent of my knowledge no game has ever done anything like it. There are games where you can fly into new systems or find new planets and they might be named after you, sure. But how many games let you land on that planet's surface and explore it? How many games let you name the system or have it named after you for everyone playing the game forever? I can't think of any others.

I think the first game I ever played was peek-a-boo. That was my shit yo.

I play a lot of battlefield and Arma III. Probably more than I should to be perfectly honest. I'm also a huge fan of story-intensive games like the Dragon Age series and Mass Effect. I'm tracking, they're both Bioware titles. Got it. Everything else is sort of all over the place, from playing Destiny on the Xbox One to Depth on the PC.

Kirk or Picard....



Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I love potato. Perhaps the best captain since his wife.

Welcome to test! Also a battlefield junkie and my wife will be glad in playing a space game and not another modern fps after a deployment. So let's get our exploring on.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
You brought beer? Excellent, welcome to TEST!

Captain Easy

Nov 19, 2014
RSI Handle
WooHoo pass one over and lets crack it open!

Potatos only strength was being able to keep an eye on everyone. But when the chips were down he couldn't handle the crunch! And he always thought he had it in the bag.

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