The Booty Hunters
We all know that when the PU launches the whole universe will be infested with the most vile and deceitful scum you can think of. And we all know that the UEE won't be able to deal with them all. So why not get profit from it? That's where we come in. TEST's bounty hunting.
But why should you become a Bounty Hunter? Well fellow TESTie, there are many advantages to being a Bounty Hunter. Here are a few:

FREEDOM: The Booty Hunters don't have a boss. We do what we want, when we want. Wanna take some pirate's cargo? Do it. Wanna chill at the bar? Please invite me. Do you wanna take some innocent guy's cargo? Well, you're hunting pirates not acting like them. But whatever, do as you wish! (You might become a target of other bounty hunters. Discretion advised)BEER: You are a Bounty Hunter, no one cares if you fly drunk. You are feared all over the universe so you can order a beer anywhere you want (Vanduul space not confirmed). Smuggling alcohol? Yes, please.
MONEY: Do you know what pirates like? Treasures. And what do we like? Taking their treasures. All you have to do is blow their ship and take their stuff, simple as that. Instant money. (Blowing pirate's ships not advised since you can destroy their cargo and render their treasure worthless)
WOMEN: As you can see from the picture Bounty Hunters are completely irresistible to women. All the ladies from the universe will want you. And it would be a shame if you didn't have the money to spend with them. But since you have money, beer and freedom you can take as many ladies you want. (Taking more than one lady at a time might piss them off. Be careful)
Now that we covered the main advantages of bounty hunting its time to talk about numbers. Bounty hunters don't have a boss, indeed. But some threats are far too dangerous to overcome by yourself. That's when the Booty Hunters come in. The squad serves the purpose of accounting the big pirates from the PU and letting everyone know who is going after them. If a threat is too big you can just ask your fellow booty friends to help you, and split the money (Or not. Discretion advised).
Still in doubt? You should know that some of the biggest bounty hunters of all time such as "Jabba the Butt", "Boobie Fett" and "Tan Solo" were part of the Booty Hunters. And THEY WANT YOU!
Show your interest and share your ideas here. This is a place to gather all TESTies interested in bounty hunting.
• Being a bounty hunter doesn't stop you from entering other squads. Also it doesn't interfere if you wish to be part of squads that don't have to do with pirates, consider it as a part time job.
• This is just a place to gather people that are interested in bounty hunting. No official squad will be formed here and all names are subject to change.
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