Did I accidentally log in to the test alliance eve forums?
Are you under the impression that goons are asswipes only in EVE?
Pick any multiplayer game / community and goons have fucked it up one way or another.
In SC the game isn't even out yet, Ben Lesnick is one of them and they already hacked the online store and preordered 15 Idrises before them being on the limited sale. And then CIG was like oh no we cannot do anything about that now...
CIG is organizing events and councils/forums with "most prominent orgs" and they call the Goons and not TEST (!!!!)
If that isn't metagame then I'm an actual zombie pirate.
And before you tell me that I shouldn't bother with that, I welcome any kind of adversarial actions IN GAME, but any metagaming tactics are targeting not my game character but my actual person and I won't stand for that.