Jump Town PvP Battle Royale and the frenchies


Grand Admiral
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Posted this in off-topic as not TEST related ;)

Terada made 3 videos out of an awesome PvP event we had at Jump Town 2 weeks ago with the french SC streaming community.

There were 4 teams of 10 players each (each team lead by a famous french SC streamer) competing vs each other to take controll of JT and bring back as much boxes as possible + 1 team of 6 which goal was to spice the fights engaging all teams (Djora, also a streamer, and his aces pvpers) ;)
The videos show the POV from all streamers as the battle unfold.

I was the transporter for Terada's team in a C8X. Got bored after 20 minutes waiting above the area for JT to be cleared, so I joined the pew pew with the C8X and my little lazors for the rest of the night ^^

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yZuWLwN1a4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BigGttXqdeA

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SkNJuvPDDg
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